Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I moved to Valley Center, Kansas 47 days ago with the intent and purpose to find out just what I was supposed to do in what was left of my life, what essentially I was going to FINALLY  be when I grew up.  As  I sit here tonight typing this blog post, I must be the first to admit that I still don't have a clue.  I guess I kind of expected to find out almost immediately~oh yeah, there's my middle name showing up again, "impatience".  But so far, no mysterious man has rung the doorbell nor has Tom the mail guy  delivered the letter that lets me know what brought me here in the first place.  And so I wait and wait and wait.

For everything that I STILL don't know, there are a whole bunch of things that I have learned so far about myself and my new community. For these things, I do so give thanks!

~I have learned that it doesn't kill anyone, especially me, to walk the mile to the post office and back to mail a letter.  And even if I DON'T have anything to mail, one mile is still a good healthy distance to walk each day.  If I'm really lucky, the little kid that lives a couple of blocks away will be out shooting baskets in his front yard and he ALWAYS smiles and waves to me.

~I've found out that you CAN make a difference in a community just by the the smallest act of kindness and pride in your neighborhood.  That "infamous" flower plot that was filled with weeds in the alley back of me, now looks like this:

I know it doesn't look the best yet, but in another month there will be some of the most beautiful zinnias in the world (ok, ok maybe NOT in all of the world but at the VERY least the best of the alley) blooming for anyone to see.  And all it took was a little "elbow grease" and $12 worth of zinnia seeds.

~It's nice to know that the "new guy" of the back alley (AKA the very big, black dog who likes to really bark at me from behind what is left of his wooden fence), is now kind of used to me and doesn't seem to mind my being there at all.  Of course I'm hoping that's not just his way to catch me off guard and someday still take a flying leap over that fence and come after me.  But I'm trying to see the positive in him and gonna say that he and I could someday have the chance to be friends on a "first name" basis.  We'll see :)

~I have figured out that the Wichita Eagle is NOT the Hutchinson News, nor could I ever expect it to be.  One thing they do have in common, even though I have subscribed to both of them....I'm so very busy that I seldom take the time to unwrap the paper and read it any how.  It just gives me something to look forward to seeing on the lawn in the mornings.  I am sorry to offend any of my friends/family who prefer to read the online versions....Peggy Miller has to have the written word in her hands....Just one of the those weird things about me.

~The daily drive to school each  morning, a distance of 46 miles one way, may be long and the traffic congested at times.  But oh how it is worth it!  I wouldn't trade the time I spend each day with my colleagues at Lincoln Elementary or the blessing of being a teacher to some of the finest of students anywhere for any other job.  And I mean it!  From the "kids say the darndest things" file....a comment from a wonderful young fourth grade student that I work with  each day....

HIM:  "Mrs. Miller, when are they ever going to let you be a REAL teacher?"
ME:  "_________________, I AM a real teacher."

HIM:  "You are?  I didn't know that!"

(a word of explanation, I'm a Title I Reading/Math teacher.  I don't have my own classroom but instead I see kids from all the different grades for 30 minute segments through out each day.  Bless his heart, he only meant when would I ever have my own classroom.  It was precious~he was extremely serious.  I love that guy!)

And finally, among the things I have learned, perhaps this is the most important-and friends maybe you will see yourself here too....I have learned that the answers to life's problems can never be found behind the refrigerator door or in the kitchen cupboards.  Nothing you can pour from a bottle or shake out of a pill dispenser can solve EVERY single problem in life.  And just because you know that you have already seen the most beautiful sunrise in the world, doesn't mean that there isn't an even MORE beautiful one waiting for you to see it too.  And what a shame to close your eyes to that opportunity.  

And lest I be remiss in saying so, this is what I believe:  I think sometimes we all are in a hurry to make things right in life.  When we are hurting, for one reason or another, it seems like we are so quick to try to take away the pain that life is bringing us.  I wonder sometimes if we wouldn't be better off to, instead of masking the pain, rather to just "lean into it".  There have a been a couple, ok, ok, ok, about a dozen of the 43 days that I've been here that I've said to myself "What in the world am I doing here?  I miss Hutchinson and I want to go back!"  And being homesick doesn't feel so good.  But each morning as I've arisen, life doesn't look so bad as the "dismal" night before and you know, it hurts but it doesn't last forever.  And I STILL believe that no matter what, God has brought me here for a darn good reason.....and little by little I am starting to figure it out.  I just keep on,  keeping on....Day by day by day.  

Good night from Valley Center my dear friends.  Love to each of you....get some sleep you guys!!!

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