Thursday, March 14, 2013

A very good day to keep life in its proper prospective~

Oh dear friends, good morning to you all!  It's pretty early here at home, not even 5:00 in the a.m.  Save for me and old "Oblio the roundhead", the sane people on 14th Street are fast asleep.  I have been wide awake now for over an hour, some what because I just usually get up at this time but more so because of something that I have become "temporarily displaced" from~a front tooth.  

Last night, minding my own business and carrying on with the hustle and bustle of every day normal life, the crown on one of my front teeth (and thank the good Lord it wasn't one of the "front and center" kind of teeth) just decided to "give up the ghost".  That was it!  No warning, no slight wiggling for a day or a week.  It was gone and the only saving grace was that it happened at home while I was awake and as an aside here, thank goodness I wasn't eating something at the time or else that would have been a whole other blog post.  And so here I sit this morning, anxious about whether or not I can get into the dentist this morning to get it cemented back in and if I can get in, will they actually be able to do it?  It's gonna be a long wait until 7:30 this morning.  Dear friends, can a person ask for prayers to save a tooth?  If so, I'm asking, "unashamedly" asking in fact.  I hope something can be done for it and time will tell.

I have learned about the subject of vanity in the last 12 hours, and one of the main things I have learned is how vain I can be about some things.  Having a smile with all of my teeth in it is one of those things.  In fact, having the crown of that tooth pop off of where it should be pretty much set the stage for me having one very unproductive, depressing and not happy evening last night.  I kept thinking a thousand thoughts like "what will people think?", "how can I go to school tomorrow?", "what if they can not fix it again?" and on, and on, and perpetual "ON".  And if I told you right now that "all is well and I am not worried about it", then I would be the world's greatest story teller of all time because I AM worried. It's one thing to see a cute little 8-year old missing their first front tooth yet quite another to find an adult who is missing one.

When I started typing this blog post, I knew there was a lesson that I needed to learn from all of this.  I wasn't quite sure what it was but I knew I'd find out before it was over and done with.  Happy to say, "whack #2,000,000 upside the head from God" has just been delivered and the lesson is this~

Peggy Miller is one blessed woman, regardless of whether or not that crown is in place.  My health is good, not fighting any major and life-threatening disease in this life yet today many others are fighting for every breath they take.  I have a family that loves me pretty much as I am, with 3 children who have grown into productive adults in life.  And although I am sure there were plenty of times that I might not have been nominated for "Mother of the Year", Ursela, Ricky and Grahame made it any way :)  I am getting ready to retire from a career I have loved for over 35 years now and am fortunate enough to still say that "I am glad that I chose to give my life to the teaching of children."  And best of all, there is this wonderful man named Mike who is waiting for me to join him in Colorado for a new life together when school is out~and guess what?  He says that he didn't fall in love with me because that crown was in place.  Imagine that, can you?  So you see dear friends, if I only felt blessed because my "smile" was intact, well then the way that I have been doing the self-assessment of my own worth has been pretty dang shallow.  I'm surely worth more than one stupid crown on a tooth.  Sorry it took 12 hours to figure that one out but at least it didn't take a whole day.  

Well, I guess I better get a "move on" and get things ready for the day.  Come 7:30 a.m., I'm going to push the speed dial button on my cell phone and hope to be able to get into the dentist's office.  Trying to think positive that something can be done and if not, then there will be an available "plan B" in place to do instead.  Thanks friends, for accepting me and everyone else, just as we are.  Rest assured, that's the way I like to look at it as well.  You are worth everything to me and there's no amount of money in the whole wide world that would "buy or sell" our friendships with one another.  They are priceless and so are you!  Have a great Thursday, March 14th, 2013.  "Crown in place, crown out of place", it is STILL the greatest of days to be alive in.  Paraphrased from the "Good Book", get out and be glad that you have this day.  

Things worth remembering to "smile" about~
Good friends aplenty and these are just 4 of them~

That I really didn't die the year I had the worst case of the flu ever.  I only THOUGHT that I would!

For all of the many times that I was blessed to hear a little child's voice calling me "teacher".

To have grown up in the little town of Haven, Kansas~to have been and for that matter always will be a "farmer's daughter".  The kids in the "big city" don't know what they missed.

For 3 children who loved their grandmother so very much.

And last, but NEVER least.....
A future, because God saw fit that people don't have to be alone all of their lives and you know what?  Having just seen that photo, I feel better already. 

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