Sunday, October 18, 2015

~and so we remember that some things are just best left to others~

From the prairies of Kansas, good morning dear friends and family out there.

I'm pretty sure any career that I would have hoped for that involved carpet removal, being a circus acrobat, or the person that thrilled audiences by lying on a bed of nails would have been short lived.  It only took me 5 minutes to figure out that one on Friday afternoon.

I came to Kansas early Friday morning to get things ready for putting my house on the market.  One of those things involved the removal of carpeting from the living room/dining room, hallway, and two bedrooms.  I was curious to see what was underneath it all so within the first 10 minutes of walking into my old home, I decided to pull up a section or two.

Everything would have been ok if I would have just remembered to watch where I was walking, something that I seem to have more and more trouble with as the years go by.  In my zeal to uncover more of the floor hidden beneath, I started to move towards the corner of the living room.  Then it happened.  My right foot got caught up in the roll of carpet and down I went, twisting and turning like a circus acrobat.  I landed hard on the floor right atop the tack strips that had been holding the carpet in place.  I felt the sharp points of the tacks sticking into my nearly 60-year old skin.  "Old lefty" wondered what was going on, of that I am positive.  Not sure what hurt worse, my body or my pride but that little incident helped me to remember to be safe as the process of tearing out carpet began in earnest yesterday morning, 

When it was all said and done, the flooring underneath was in pretty nice shape.  I marveled that in the 10 years that I've owned that house and for the 25 years that my mom owned it before me, we'd been walking on such nice hardwood.  We never even realized it.  There are a few things more that we need to do with it before the house is shown in a week upcoming but the hardest part has now been taken care of.

My body is tired and just about any muscle that I have is talking to me this morning.  By the way, the messages that they are sending me are not happy ones.  I now have the utmost of respect for the carpet installers of the world and so very thankful that I didn't have to make my living that way.

Some things are best left to others :)

If old houses could talk, what wonderful stories they could tell.

Thankful for the great memories.

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