Tuesday, February 7, 2017

~and once it was August~

And once it was August and we had all the time in the world ahead of us.  In the beginning they were "the 19" and on the first day of school we stood outside together and smiled for the camera.  We would gather as a group for our picture many times after this one.   Each time I would notice that they were just a little more grown up.  

It would be easy to have a tear well up in my eye.  I have grown to love each of them very much.

The school year has gone by too quickly and like a mother begging for time to slow down a bit in order to enjoy her babies more, I too am asking for the days to stop flying by.  Not only do I have a whole lot more to teach, especially before the state assessments arrive, I just want to have some time to enjoy those boys and girls.  I want to do some fun things as I listen to the sound of their voices and the laughter that only they can provide.

Now it is February and for all intents and purposes, tomorrow will be May 19th.  The older I have become, the faster each school year has gone by.  39 years have come and gone now.  Each class I have received has been a blessing to me and this one is no exception.  We have grown and changed each day.  The knowledge we have attained has been great but perhaps the greatest thing we have learned is this.

In our struggles and triumphs, we have found how very important it is to stick together and to leave no one behind.

Not ever.

They are now "the 20" and I hope that when it is all said and done,  I will have made a difference in their lives.  We are working so hard to try and be ready for the state assessments. Sometimes it gets pretty stressful for all concerned, students and teacher alike.  Today I took them aside after we had spent a marathon 30 minutes reviewing the associative property of multiplication.  I sat them in front of me and asked them to listen.  

And they did.

I told them I was sorry that everything seems to revolve around testing.  I reminded them that I knew how hard they had been working.  You know, I told those kids that I wish that people could see how far they have really come this year and absolutely none of that gain has anything to do with a test score.  They listened and they understood.  Children are quite good at understanding.

The days that remain shall quickly pass us by and soon our time together will be a memory.  My goal from day #1 was for them to be able to say at year's end that third grade was the best year they ever had.  Perhaps they shall forget some of the things that I taught them.  I do hope that they remember some of the life lessons that were mine to share with them.  In the years that lie ahead, even if they forget everything else, my hope is that they remember one thing.

I hope they remember that once there was a teacher named Mrs. Renfro and that she loved them all very much.

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