Saturday, December 8, 2012

Upon using this day for something to remember life by

Greetings friends and family from the north eastern corner of the great state of Kansas.  I'm spending the night here with my good friend Sara Grier and her husband Tom Pistorius.  We're just a "stone's throw" from the "Show Me" state of Missouri and my own home in the flatlands of south central Kansas is a little more than 3 hours away.  Sara and I had decided to see how much fun we could pack into a little under 24 hours of time to enjoy together and suffice it to say, we have had a great day.  Now as the day is coming to a close and bedtime near, I'm so very glad that I made the journey here early this morning.

Sara and I grew up together in our hometown of Haven, Kansas.  Our parents both owned businesses there~Paul and Nita Grier, Sara's parents, owned the Haven Pharmacy.  My parents, John and Lois Scott, owned the local restaurant and filling station.  (for you young "kids" a filling station was the 1970's version of the Kwik Shop, only with a LOT more service provided!)  Both Sara and I have spoken many times about how wonderful it was to be a kid growing up in a place like Haven.  It was a place where every adult in town "parented" every kid, not just their own and I believe with all my heart, that neither of us would have wished to be raised in any other place.

When I pulled out of the driveway of my home of 14th Street this morning, I headed the car straight for Lawrence where we'd all meet up at the home of Sara's mom, Nita Grier.  I'd heard yesterday from Nita that she was cooking up a pot of her very delicious homemade chicken and rice soup and boy did that ever taste good on a somewhat cool December day in Kansas.  All 5 of us, Sara and her mom as well as Sara's brother Jim and his wife Nancy found our places around the table set up in Nita's dining room.  And when the Doxology was sung, we all held hands with one another and you know what?  It felt kind of nice~  We shared food and stories until we could hold no more.  Here some of us are around the table.

After lunch, two of Nita's dear friends came by and for the next 3 + hours we all sat at the table and had lots of fun playing games  and although my students at school would not believe it could be done, all of the games we played were done without the use of technology.  There were no discs to load, no buttons to push, heck nothing had to be even plugged in.  We used the the "computers" that God has given us, our brains!  And the amazing thing was this~We all had a great time!  As I sat there as a participant I had to wonder how much different, how much better life could be for all of us if people turned off their computers, shut off the television, and put away their cell phones in order that they could enjoy time spent in fellowship with and having fun alongside others.  Here's the crew enjoying a well-deserved snack time.

Since leaving Nita's home in Lawrence and heading due east towards Sara and Tom's, I've had some pretty amazing experiences.  I met the most lovable girl, the "resident iguana" named Todd, that you could ever imagine.  I had heard stories about her from Sara over the past couple of years and I figured that now was as good a time as any to meet her, so tonight I did.  You know I always figured she would be scary but she was not.  I didn't even know if I could pet her, let alone hold her.  But it worked out great!  I think we can say that we are friends~

I've done a whole lot of "firsts" in the short time that I've been here.  Sara made a delicious soup for supper called "butternut squash" soup.  Never thought I'd like something like that but it was absolutely the best.  I'd never stood up close, right next to a Newfoundland dog~the kind of dog I always refer to as a "horse of a dog" but Sara and Tom's dog "Boss Man" was a member of the two-canine greeting party that met me at the door.  And believe it or not, at age 57 years old, I saw my first glimpse of this "thing" I've heard people speaking of for years, Kansas City's "Plaza".  It was beautiful and something unlike any other thing my eyes have ever beheld.  I kind of realized how the infamous "Clampett Family" felt when they left the hills of Tennessee and espied their new home in Beverly Hills, California.  So, ok I guess you could suffice it to say that I don't get out a whole lot.  

Tomorrow in the early morning hours I will head back to the part of Kansas that I know and love the best~my home in the Reno County Kansas town of Hutchinson.  There the roads are level and you can see about as far as forever.  In my part of the world, the worst traffic jams occur when the westbound trains block the tracks on Main Street for too long and traffic backs up to the next stop light.  And you know friends, I've had the best day and laughed more than I've laughed for a long time.  But even as nice as it has been to be with my dear friends today, I know where I will always call home and that place, according to Mapquest, is 212 miles away.  Praying for a safe trip to return there tomorrow.

And before I say "good night" final thing.  You know if this would have been what I call a "normal" Saturday, I'd have been home all day cleaning house, working on school work and running errands.  I'd have been busy, to be sure.  There's a lot of work waiting for me to do when I make it home around late morning tomorrow.  A "small" part of me feels guilty for not staying home today to get things done.  But here's the deal~I could have stayed home all day and got things accomplished but the crazy thing is a couple of days time I'd just have to do them all over again and for what?  To do them all over AGAIN in another few days?  No way~I preach everyday that we should live each day as if it is our last one on earth and if this WAS my last day on earth, then I'm glad that I was able to spend it with friends like the Grier Family.  

To Nita, Sara and Tom, Jim and Nancy~thanks for allowing me to be a part of YOUR family today.  I was blessed by the experience on this the 8th day of December in the year 2012.  Wow, truly a great day to be alive in!  Good night all.

Thanks for the great meal Sara!  If you have never tried butternut squash soup, well then what are you waiting for?  It's delicious!  

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