Friday, June 6, 2014

~when some things you just have to let go of~

Good morning to all from the place in time that I now call my home, south western Colorado.  It's the early morning hours, really early morning ones and even though the clock says it is only 4:54 I can see in the distance the faintest of light that will announce soon the arrival of this good day.  I'm amazed here at just how early the sunrise comes now that we are making our way towards the summer solstice.  The sunset comes late in the evening hours and that's a good thing for us here.  We use just about every available minute of sunlight we have to catch up on work both indoors and outdoors.  I love the summertime, plain and simple.  How about you?

Part of the work that lies ahead here for me "indoors" is to continue to sort through the many boxes and tubs that I brought back from Kansas a couple of weeks back.  We have stuff in storage units back in Reno County and here in Montrose as well.  Soon will be the time to get everything all cleaned out and use the money spent on renting a place to hold our belongings for something else that we might want/need.  This combining of two households stuff can be a bit of an ordeal but we will make it.  As I type these words, I am reminded of just how blessed folks can be and not even realize it.  To think that we have such an excess, no matter how great or small the value might be, is a bit of a somber thought.  Just last night I saw a hitchhiker on the edge of town whose total sum possessions were being carried in a green army bag on his tired back.  And I am concerned about cleaning out two storage units and the rest of our house?

In as much as I have seemed to manage to hang on to, there were several things that I have been able to let go of.  It was a very freeing feeling to be able to call friends up and have them come to pick up things from my home back in Kansas that I couldn't take with me, not that time or EVER.  Already I have seen the results of that free give away and it made me so very happy to do so.  The dumpster folks took away all of my really unneeded things and that made a huge dent in the work that was waiting for me back in Kansas. 

I have this list of things, an "over my dead body" kind of list, that I will never part with for any reason.  It used to be quite a lengthy list of items, especially only a few years back.  But now that I have found myself growing older and fast approaching the age of 60 next year, there are some things that just don't have that much meaning or value to me any longer.  I have yet to part with all of my old record albums from the days of my youth in the '70s, the more than 100-year old checker table that once belonged to my grandmother, the collection of old crocks and boxes that are displayed throughout our house, or my t-shirt from a Chicago concert back in 1974.  Those things remain near and dear to me yet even in the years ahead, they too will more than likely be relegated to the "free list" or the dumpster.  I guess I have finally learned the lesson that there are some things that you just have to let go of, sooner or later.  It's actually kind of nice to be able to choose to do it on your own rather than putting the responsibility on your children when the time comes for them to clean out your last belongings. 

The morning time sky has gotten brighter here?  Would you like to see it from my vantage point, the view from a different window?  Wait a minute.  Give me a second.  I'll run outside and take a  photo for you.  Be right back so don't go away!

Here it is, the view from the front deck of home.  That's Silverjack Mountain in the distance, the next door neighbor to the San Juans.  All around us, 14,000 feet +  landmarks that have names and stories behind them.  In one year's time, I have begun to learn about them all and for THIS flatlander that is a very good thing. 

The time has come to start this new day and it will be a busy one that lies ahead.  Take care dear friends and family in all that you do.  Please be safe out there this summer and watch out for yourselves and of one another.  When all of our possessions have either been given or thrown away, the one thing that we always will have left is one another.  I value your friendships, all of them, and I prefer to keep them on the "I could never do without it" list of life.  Much love to you all.

Now THIS was one cold day back in January when we decided to allow the 9-year olds that live inside of us to come out and make a snowman.  COLD but fun!

A polar opposite kind of day four months later, deep in the heart of the Mojave Desert of California when we visited Twentynine Palms, California.  I think I prefer some type of climate right in between colder than the dickens and hotter than heck, but hey that's just me talking.

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