Thursday, July 3, 2014

~as we head home to Kansas~

~good morning friends and family~

We are heading back today to the "land of where you can see forever".  It's time to finalize plans for my house back there.  Past time.  About time.  Being a property manager of two houses, one of them on the  Atlantic side of the great Continental Divide and one on the Pacific side is not easy.  It's 611 miles of "difficult" and how wonderful it will be to finally have found the "just right" person who can soon move in and make that wonderful old house their new home.  It will happen.  I know it will.

When I first came here to live in the Great American West, I brought bits and pieces of my life back there as a Kansan along.  It didn't come all at once with me, rather it came carload at a time.  By my last count that would have been about 14 carloads at a time.  Little by little over the course of the last several months, I've managed to get it all here to Montrose County where I now make my home.  You know, it's kind of funny all of the things that now towards the end of this ordeal that I found that I really didn't need any way.  Those kinds of things I ended up giving away to friends back in Reno County and it really felt good so to do.  Kind of a "free" feeling, in more ways than one.

My good friend Tori and her mom came to get my limestone bench, the rose bushes, my mom's "live for ever" plant, the composter and other things.  Marlen, my "amiga" from school took my spare bed and two Adirondack chairs to her house and gave them new purpose.  The Rodriguez Family, my dear friends from school as well, took the bedroom set that I had used and now one of their daughters is enjoying it.  Dalia, yet another friend from school, helped me by taking home a couple of really good reels for garden hose.  My friend from Haven, the "other Peggy", took home some extra furniture and planters from the back yard.  Finally at the very end, our friend Patty came over and cleaned out all of the limestone rock and paving materials for use in making her own rock garden in the back yard at her home there in Hutch.  It was wonderful to see friends being able to get some enjoyment from things that I just found nearly impossible to take with me.  Truth was, I wasn't supposed to take them.  They were meant all along to be given away.  It just took me a while to realize it. 

I'm not sure what will happen in the next few days but I know that there is a plan in place for me and for that house that sits in the middle of a town that I called my home for so many years now.  Whoever should be the one that God has chosen to find it will get the chance to live in a great place that was full of many happy memories from long ago.  For over 30 years it was "home" to either my mom or to me.  Now it's time for it to be called "home" to someone new.  I will be happy to find out who that new "someone" will be. 

This will be my last blog post until next week.  The days that lie ahead will be so very busy and by the time we return here to the mountains, it will be Sunday late.  Prayers for safe travel and a good weekend ahead will always be appreciated by us.  We look forward along the way to stop and visit with our friend Norm who will be walking the same route that we are driving.  Mike and I plan to find him in Kansas on Sunday morning early and for each of us to walk a mile with him.  Funny how life works out~you meet a stranger on the roadway who then becomes your friend.  I like that about life.  I like that about people.

My wish for you this day, dear friends and family, is that all will be well for you there.  May you be at peace with life and know that in everything there truly is a purpose for its "being".  You are my friends and I thank you for that.  Where would I be without you?  In a big world of hurt, that's where!  Have a great day everyone!  This is Thursday, the 3rd day of July in 2014 and it's a great day to be alive in and a great day to go back home to Kansas in :)

Crossing the border at the state line between Kansas and Colorado~

My hometown, Haven, Kansas~

The place that is my new home~the Western Slopes of Colorado

The reason I came here in the first place~life with the "blessing"

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