Sunday, July 6, 2014

~for when the time has come to go now~

Good morning dear friends and family, for one last time from my home here in south central Kansas in a town that has meant so much to me, Hutchinson.  It's the very early morning hours here, even by my way of judging that kind of thing.  I just heard one of many trains come through and it awoke me, just like it has done so many times before.  I love the sound of trains in the night time.  They comfort me for some reason and I cannot even tell you why.  Maybe it is because of the sound the whistle makes way off in the distance from my home, a mournful one that sounds as if it is crying out to me or something.  I never hear them in my new home along the Western Slopes of Colorado and believe it or not, I really do miss them.  For a woman who used to grumble and gripe every time that they held me up along the way to school here in the south part of town, I've come to grow in my appreciation of them. 

The time will soon be at hand to wake Mike up and pack the rest of the things in the house into our already "hey this is what critical mass really looks like" Toyota.  At the very end last night, after rearranging numerous things over and over again, I finally made the decision to call my friend Ron and ask him to come and take a few of the last minute big things over to his house.  It freed up enough room that we were able to get everything finally put in and by the time darkness had started to fall, we called it "good".  We should be "ok" and in just an hour or so with Mike as the driver and myself as the navigator, on the road pointed to the west and travel back to our home in Montrose.  U.S. 50 Highway~it goes both ways :)

You know, I'm going to try really hard not to cry this time as we pull out of the driveway for this the REALLY final time.  I'm so very grateful that I found a nice couple, folks from right here in Hutchinson, who wanted to rent this house from me and are preparing this very day to move into it.  I just knew that somewhere out there special people were waiting for just the right time to find it.  Friday afternoon they did and God provided for both of us.  I kind of like that about God and faith and everything else that goes with it.  When I finally quit worrying about how this was all going to turn out, there He was just waiting to show me what had been in the great plan all along.  I am such a slow learner~

I have felt a great myriad of feelings in the last couple of days.  All the way from extreme fatigue (hey I closed my eyes while waiting for the fireworks display in Hutch on the fourth and slept for about 10 minutes or so) to extreme relief when we finally got the last of the things finished up yesterday evening. Throw in a little bit of determination, sadness, a feeling of "let down" and the desire to stay here coupled at the same time with the stronger desire to get back home to the life we left over the top of the big mountain on Thursday evening and I guess it's no wonder why I am awake right now. 

I wasn't going to make this blog post but my plans changed when I realized just how many of my now over 700 posts came from this house here in Reno County, Kansas.  It seemed only right to awaken and say that it was time to head out soon and that I will miss you people here.  Each of you.  All of you.  My heart is full of happy memories from here and inside of my heart, that is where you will ALWAYS be.  It's crowded in there but just like the Scott Family supper table when I was a kid growing up, there is always room for more.  We will skoosch a little closer together and make a place.  The human heart, always expandable, if we just allow it to be. 

Well, it's time to go now.  No putting it off any longer.  For what ever you might have done for me or for my family, I am beholden to you.  I thank you most sincerely and wish to always remember you and our time together here.  I used to be horribly homesick for Kansas but now I do better.  I say that to you because I don't want anyone to worry about me.  I'm all right and I wish for you to know that.  God blesses me each and every moment of the day.  Your friendships are good examples of that "blessing".  Until I see you again, and I WILL by the way, may peace be your good journey.  Take care of yourselves and of one another always.  It's time for this Kansan now turned Coloradoan to head home.  This is the 6th day of July, 2014 and a mighty fine day to be alive in.  I'm going to do what the "Good Book" says and I will be glad in it!  Love you guys! 

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