Monday, September 2, 2013

upon making the choice to never give up

Somehow or another today just seemed like as good a day as any to get my lazy behind back on my bike.  So just about an hour ago, me and "old lefty" did just that and rode a whopping nearly 4 miles around the neighbourhood here in Montrose.  It liked to have killed me but I did it any way. It didn't take long before I knew that my lack of bike riding ambition this summer had caught up with me.  My heart racing and my shortness of breath told on me very early in that short ride.  But I did it and survived.  I'm here to tell the story.  

I'm "calling my own self out" tonight and admitting right off the "get go" that I have had zero ambition to ride since moving here this summer.  My bike has been in what my good friend LeRoy Willis refers to as a "slothful position" most of the summer.  Since LeRoy pretty much calls it as he sees it, I have to woefully admit that he is most certainly right.  So when I asked Mike to take this photo earlier this evening, it was for LeRoy with gratitude for the kindness, love and concern he and his good wife Anne have always shown me.

 This has been a rough summer and I've come up with a thousand different reasons why I couldn't get on that bike.  All of those excuses, by the way, were pretty sucky and lame.  I'll be paying the price for my inactivity for a bit but I'm pretty sure that I can get back to where I used to be.  Since I didn't perish and still have some surprisingly good strength left in my legs, I think I'll give it another try tomorrow and shoot, maybe even add in another mile or two.  I'll keep you posted and no need to fret or worry as there are very few curbs around these parts.

I'm reprinting a blog post from August of 2011, written a few weeks after my accident in which "old lefty" was smashed to smithereens.  It contains my thoughts after having some very rough days of trying to figure out how I was going to survive being temporarily "one armed".  There have been many times this summer that I felt like giving up when things got tough and when I stopped to think about it as I was riding tonight, they seem pale in comparison to the hard times I went through for 9 months in 2010-2011.  

If you find some tough times ahead my dear friends, I will encourage you again as I did that night in August now 2 years not give up!  We are all in this life together and when everything has been said and done, that will be all that matters.  Good night everyone out there!  Kansas friends and family, see you soon!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Choose not to give up--

Early this morning, I sat on the end of my bed and for 15 minutes worked on the daunting task of trying to tie the belt of my capris into a decent, respectable bow-tie.  I've been practicing that skill the past few mornings with not much success.  Today was different--I stuck with it, used my teeth when I needed to, and refused to cry this time! And finally at 5:30, "magic, magic" it happened.  I couldn't believe it--

There have been a variety of times during the past 2 weeks that it took a heck of a long time to accomplish the most simple and mundane tasks.  These are "chores" of daily living that I have done without thinking for a very long time now.  Accidents and temporary handicaps have a way making you pause and reflect on the fact that sometimes we need to be humbled in this life.  

Yesterday, I only had to crack and throw away 3 eggs before I was able to make a 2-egg omelet.  Friends, for me THAT'S progress!  Remember the story of the peanut butter sandwich fiasco of about day #3?  Well, I like peanut butter sandwiches folks, so finally 12 days later, I bought a jar of the whipped peanut butter on the Dillon's store shelf.  Dang, I might be able to make peanut butter sandwiches with one good arm and both eyes closed before the weekend is over.  And today, as I head to work for the 5th day this week, I am positive that it will take me less time to get things accomplished--with about 90% of that confidence coming from the fact that my co-workers at Lincoln Elementary are going to be there for me.  I CONTINUE TO FEEL BLESSED, FAR BEYOND WHAT I DO DESERVE!

Now let's talk about you guys for a minute, ok?  I'd like you to think about what's going on in your life right now.  Chances are that many of you have health issues in your families that are much worse than one  busted arm.  Tired of fighting those problems, of going to the dr, of taking pill after pill after pill?  Does it seem like you are never going to feel good again?  If so, do not quit!  It will get better.

Maybe you are like me and sometimes you have to be pretty creative to make your paycheck stretch each month-I'm going to make a wild guess that most all of us, from time to time, have this issue in life.  The bills stack up and the money goes out way faster than it ever will come in--do not despair because you are not alone in this-Please do not lose heart friends and never give up!

It's "back to school" time and parents will be sitting in "empty nest" houses, either until the 3 0'clock bell rings or when the university lets out for the winter-break.  Some of you, living alone for one reason or another, are very lonely--and boy have I ever been there!  In your loneliness and sometimes heart-felt sadness, please friends remember all of the people who are still there for you each and every day!  In your despair, please hang in there.  There is a definite "light at the end of the tunnel because I have seen it.  CHOOSE NOT TO GIVE UP!

Well, it's time to do my occupational therapy for the morning, otherwise known as "one-handed dress yourself" time!  lol  Blessed as I am, what I cannot do here at home to get ready for the day, one of my co-workers at school will help me with.  See what I mean about "blessed beyond measure"? And you, my dear friends, may you be blessed as well.

 part of the kiddos that I worked with during before-school tutoring time last year-talk about having the best job on earth!

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