Friday, November 20, 2015

~and so it won't be very long now~

It won't be very long now.

My house in Kansas, the one that the Scott family has owned for 35 years in all, will soon be someone else's home to make a memory or two in.  God blessed us in finding a buyer within 30 days of its being put on the market.  Couldn't have asked for a better or more timely thing to happen.

This coming week I will make the journey back there once more only this time it will be to sign the paperwork, hand over the keys, and say a final good-bye to that sweet abode.  I'm happy about it all and yes, perhaps there is a tinge of sadness as well but that's ok too.  You can't be part of some place like that for nearly 4 decades without feeling a little bit like that.  One thing is for sure.

It will all be just fine.

My mom owned it for nearly 25 years and she made a lot of memories there.  It has been mine for the past 10 and 1/2 years and surely I created a lot of remembrances too. Those are good things, you know?

I'll go inside one last time to look around next week and in each room I know that I will "hear" in my heart the sounds of laughter and goodness that always were there. 

That old front porch was a mighty fine place for my mom to sit and watch the school kids heading over to Faris or Graber schools.  I always remember she told of a little boy who perpetually swung his backpack over his head each and every morning as he walked along the sidewalk.  I'm sure she must have smiled at that.  I sat on that old front porch too and since it is enclosed, there were many times that I sat out there even in the winter as I too watched people go by.  The sun always came in through all of those windows and I found it a great place to catch a nap or two.  

The living room and dining room were big enough to accommodate all of the Scott family members through the holidays.  Mom would cook up enough turkey and fixings to feed an army of folks.  We'd eat our meal and then afterwards we'd sit around while talking, laughing, and playing an occasional game of Rook or two.  Christmas time would come and there would presents strewn from "here to tomorrow" all over those two rooms.  Mom loved it that way.  During my time of being there, our celebrations were much quieter but nonetheless we continued to celebrate.  Not a holiday went by but what we would always speak of our mom and remember what it was like when she had been there to join us.  

Memories galore are in every single room of that house and surely I will feel them all in my heart when I return there in a few days more.  It will be sad yet how I rejoice that no longer do I have to worry about anything there.  It's not fun being a homeowner who lives this far away and since I no longer have to be taking care of anything there, I can put that energy into something far better than being concerned or anxious.  

Funny how life always works itself out.

When I first moved to Montrose in May of 2013, homesickness set in fast and furious.  One of my friends back in Kansas sensed my sorrow and loneliness.  She sent me a little saying that meant the world to me at the time.  I read it and immediately found peace.  I kept it and from time to time I look back at it, especially during the challenging times I seem to find myself going through in life.  

Perhaps the reading of this shall bring some peace to you if you should find yourself in a time of worry.  As for me, I know this to be true.

Have a great Friday everyone out there!

My mom and my brother standing in front of the house back when it was hers.  Both of them are gone now.

I loved that dining room!  Lots of great times were enjoyed around the table.  

And the best clothesline that there EVER was!

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