Friday, September 29, 2017

~it was about much bigger things than money~

It seems like only a couple of days ago that we were turning the calendar pages towards September.  Now for all intents and purposes, it is time to do the same for the sweet month of October.  Where did it go and why didn't I see it happen?

Fleeting at best.

October is a lovely month and I welcome it as always with open arms.  It's my birthday month and as each year has come and gone, I acknowledge the gift that another year always brings for us.  As one of the last 3 surviving siblings out of a family of 7 kids, I cherish this year even more.  Not everyone gets the chance to say "I'm 62 years old."  Come towards the last of this month, I do.

That's not too shabby of an accomplishment for a little farm girl from the Midwest.

Last week I was able to talk at length with a friend who wanted to know how things were going for me these days.  She asked me what I saw myself doing next year at this time and before I could even answer, that lifelong friend of mine answered the question herself.

"Don't even tell me.  I can already guess.  It will be the same thing you are doing right now!"
Kathryn knows me very well.

I always said that if I could just make it to 40 years of being a teacher and still remain effective in the classroom, that I would be glad to call it "good" and enter back into retirement.  On paper and in practice it seemed to be a wise choice.  Yet after receiving a new school assignment this year in the second grade at the elementary school in Grandfield, Oklahoma I have begun to imagine staying for a few more additional years.  My health is reasonably very well with few if any issues to be concerned about.  My spirit about being with kids each day has not changed, not even wavered one little bit in all of 40 years.  I was meant to be a teacher and even though the pay in the state of Oklahoma is pretty dismal in comparison to the rest of the nation, it matters not to me.

I didn't get into it for the money to begin with.
It was about much bigger things than money.
It was about kids.  

So if the good Lord is willing, I'm going to hang around in the classroom for a few more years.  If I don't, I might miss the chance to meet some more amazing young people like, well let's say Carson for example.  

I first met Carson when I was his language arts and homeroom teacher back in Petrolia, Texas during the course of the 2015-2016 school year.  He's a precious young man with a heart of gold and gentle spirit.  And oh yeah, he likes to raise up and show pigs.  I got the invite to come out and see his latest ones just this past week.  I was so glad to see him once again and surprised to learn that now he is at least a full head taller than his former very short teacher.  Take a look at that young man.  Some day he may be the vet you call to take care of your sick animals or the ag teacher who shows your grandchildren how to look for the best show pig or sheep.  Mark my words here.  It will happen.

Back in 2016 when I first went out to visit Carson and his show animals at the Petrolia ag barn, it was the first time I had actually been this close to a pig.  Growing up on a farm I was used to them being around but I never did really like them because I always thought they were going to bite me.  Carson told me that they would not.  His gentle reassurance gave me the courage to move one footstep closer.  

If you can believe charts and tables like ones found on the age calculator of the social security site, my latest guess of years left remaining for me on this earth is 24.4 which would put me at the ripe old age of 86 years and 3 months old.  Although I don't plan to be teaching in the classroom until my last day on earth, I'm ok with saying I will stay a few more years if I am needed.  Why wouldn't I?

The opportunities are endless as a teacher.  I'd be a fool to miss out on any of them.


  1. Hello mrs.renfro,it's marissa abeyta from olathe colorado.I remember you all the time,I hope you remember me too.please email

  2. Hello mrs.renfro,it's marissa abeyta from olathe colorado.I remember you all the time,I hope you remember me too.please email

  3. Hello Marissa! Of course I remember you! Thank you for your email. I hope you are doing well.
