Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If the truth be told

With 6 days remaining before I head to "the land of miracles" to get the last cast removed, I can assure you there is one question that I don't plan to ask about this time...and that would be, "When can I start riding my bike again?"  It seems so weird to think that at this point in time, only 2 months ago, that was ALL I could think about asking.  Now, it's the LEAST thing I need to worry about.

If the truth be told, I've seen the proverbial "handwriting on the wall" for sometime now.  In retrospect, I actually think I got the message at 7:30 a.m., August 4, 2011 at the moment I flew off my bike and smacked the curb.  For better or worse, I think that my days of being the kind of long-distance cyclist that I USED to be are now done.  I've been dreading making the decision about what to do in regards to returning to active cycling but it almost seems inevitable.  It is what it is~things will NEVER be the same.  

I've come a long way since the time I hopped on a bike for the first time at age 17.   Yeah, yeah, yeah I know~a late bloomer but I surely did make up for it in the 39 years that followed.  I have ridden thousands of miles since that "first ever" bike ride and after 5 unsuccessful attempts at trying, I went on my very first Bike Across Kansas in June of 2011.  I have ridden into 25 mph headwinds from the south, so strong that I could barely keep my bike up only to turn around and head north with those very same winds pushing me back as I peddled (kind of, sort of) at 22 mph.  Although I never DID ride a "century" in one day, I dang sure came close when I rode 80 miles one Saturday this past spring..  I'm ok with what I was able to do, nothing to be ashamed of and I know it.

 And true, I HAVE had my share of accidents, seven of them in fact, but even with broken bones (plenty of them), I was always able to "regroup", heal and start strong again.....that is until this time.  Now things have changed and I'm well aware of the fact that even after 3 surgeries, "old lefty" can never be the same again.  At age 56, with a left wrist that has obviously been through the mill, it may well be time to think in terms of finding another activity to help me stay physically fit.  Friends, I think I might have an idea.

My son Grahame gave me the book, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" for Christmas this year.  It's the true story of a young man named Aron Ralston, a seasoned hiker and mountaineer who found himself alone and trapped deep in Blue John Canyon, Utah~his right arm pinned by an 800-pound boulder.  After nearly a week of trying to free himself and very near unto death, Aron made the courageous and only decision he could in order to survive~he amputated his own arm and miraculously managed to escape.  What a story, what a courageous and daring guy!  If you haven't read the book, it comes highly recommended by me.

As I read his descriptions of the many hikes he took before the accident as well as the many he went on later, I began to be inspired to learn to hike just as he did.  I already love walking for exercise and seems to me that hiking is just a longer version of a walk through what may turn out to be some beautiful new scenery for me.  I already walk a mile each day and would like to increase that overall mileage a little each week.  I also want to begin to visit some new hiking trails around the area as well as plan to visit as many trails as possible when I head to Maine this summer.  Actually, I think it sounds very fun and since I won't be jumping any curbs, it should  prove to be much safer as long as I don't have to amputate an arm or anything!

I will always love to ride a bike and will continue to do so as much as "old lefty" allows me too!  But this experience has taught me there are plenty of other things out there just waiting for me to try them and friends, that is what I intend to do!  I encourage you to do likewise!  Good Night and Sweet Dreams!  :)

Peggy's new "HAPPY FEET"-I found a great pair of Keen Hikers on sale here in Hutch.  I broke them in on my mile walk after school today.  They felt great!

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