Monday, January 2, 2012

It gets better

Tonight I'm thinking of my little friend may remember her as a fellow member of the "broken arm club" at Lincoln Elementary this year.  She's the sweetest little kindergarten girl who had the misfortune of breaking her arm in a fall just a month after I broke mine.  Nadonna and I became "fast friends" as we both commiserated about how really "not fun" it was to have been hurt.  We stuck together in a friendship that was linked by a common thread~a badly broken arm in a cast.  Good thing for the both of us that we did because despite the 50 year gap in our ages, I needed her and she needed me.  Together we made it~

I'll never forget the day in late October when I found Nadonna at the breakfast table at school, with a look on her face that told me she needed help.  She was sitting there, a tray of food in front of her, unable to open up her cereal, milk, and juice.  The expression on her little 6-year old face was one of sadness, frustration, and hopelessness.  After I helped her get things opened, I gave her a hug and whispered in her ear..."Don't give up little one.  It gets better, I promise you."

It DID get better for Nadonna and by Thanksgiving time her arm had healed sufficiently for the doctor to dismiss her from his care.  She came to school that next Monday, seeking me out with one simple request..."Mrs. Miller, I want you to take our picture now cause we don't have any casts!"  For Nadonna, I was so glad to oblige.

Tomorrow, it's back to school time for the kids and staff at Lincoln Elementary.  When I get up in the morning and ready myself for school, I'll do the best I can one-handed.  I'm not worried a bit because if I should find myself in trouble, there are over 250 students and staff that will stand ready to help me pick up the slack and carry my part of the load alongside theirs.

No need to worry about a thing for me.  I'll be well taken care of by people, kids and grown ups alike, who believe in helping one another.  And they do it each and every day, not because they are looking for something from it for themselves, but because it is the right and honorable thing to do for one another.

By the way, today was a happier day for me.  For as rough as day #150 was, day #151 was actually pretty peaceful.  And I do believe what I told little Nadonna that frustrating October morning to be so very true~ "It gets better."

I understand so well now what the phrase, "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!" really means.  I'm not giving up...I intend to hang on.  Good night everyone!

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