Monday, December 24, 2012

Still the proud owner of Red Green's tool box~

The age-old saying, "~time flies when you are having fun~" certainly rings true today, December 24th, Christmas Eve.  With one week left on the calendar for 2012, you have to wonder at how much quicker time seems to do its proverbial "flying by" each and every year.  So much has happened to all of us in such a short span of time~changing of jobs, moving to new homes, battling illnesses and accidents, graduations, starting new careers, retirements, the sweet births of new little ones and the somber passing of others. With all that has happened in your life, what do you feel is the best thing that took place THIS year~ 2012?

You know, I remember saying last year about this time that the best thing that could have happened to me in 2011 was that I had a bike accident and busted my left arm to "smithereens".  Most people understood what I meant yet perhaps others might not have.  And if I were to say what was the best thing that happened to me in the year 2012, well then I would have to say the very same thing~having a broken arm.  I spent the first three months of this year still recovering from the accident and the surgeries that followed.  When I was dismissed in early April from Dr. Chan's care, my life was forever changed, and for me it was a change for the good.

It's going to be nice, come this January 1st, 2013 to begin a New Year~one that I hope will be called 12 months later, "the year of NO broken bones".  Since my plan is to fulfil my bucket list quest "to ride the entire Bike Across Kansas" in June of '13, it will come in quite handy to NOT have to ride with my arm in a cast.  May it be so! And by the way my dear friends, I hope that you have something in mind to look forward to as well for the year upcoming.  Even if you don't have a bucket list of your own to work on, why not choose a couple of things to think about doing?  Couldn't hurt, right?

When I was going through some of my old blog posts from a year ago this time, I came across one that was done after what my doctors thought would be my final surgery on "old lefty".  I'm reprinting it with this blog post~and although you may have already seen it, hope you don't mind reading it again.  Every once in a while, especially when I get a little forgetful about what I had to go through, it helps to read my thoughts from that time and to realize just how very far I had to come in order to get better.  Without the help of a lot of people, both the living and the dead, my poor arm might have had a very different  moniker besides "old lefty".  

Merry Christmas friends, from me and "Eleanor"......From a year ago, December of 2011

PS/When I fly to New York in March, I cannot imagine what I will sound like as I go through the metal detector.  At least I've got the x-rays and scars to prove it :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Like Red Green's Toolbox

By the time the calendar shows the late evening hours of December 21st next week, "old lefty" will have endured 3 consecutive seasons of trying to get well after my August 4th accident.  Beginning on that fateful and early August morning and running through the autumn months of September, October, and November, well let's just say I feel like I've been around the block at LEAST twice. 

 But I'm hanging in there and hey, when I checked the obituary page of The Hutch News just a moment ago, I wasn't even listed.  I think about something that my good friend LeRoy Willis said to me once in a message and surely  you have heard it many times as well.  "Peggy, what doesn't kill you ONLY makes you stronger."  So I rejoice in the fact that I am still here and if what LeRoy says is true and the old song by Chicago says, then I shall be "Feeling Stronger Everyday."  Young people reading this, Chicago is not only an Illinois city.  It is also one of the greatest musical groups ever.  Just wanted to clear that up for you kids  :)

Yesterday actually came and went rather quickly, much to my surprise.  I slept very soundly the night before, never waking even once.  In the hours before I left, I finished up some of the last "2-handed" things that I needed to do like changing bed linens, running the vacuum, and my weekly contribution to the betterment of Hutchinson's economy--a "Wal Mart run".  So with a clean bed to lie in, a canister of dirt from the carpeting, and my $150 contribution towards the shareholders of Sam Walton's corporation, I travelled lightly.

I made it to Wichita with plenty of time to spare and before I knew it, I was being prepped for surgery.  Rather than completely being put to sleep, I received a block in the armpit that rendered "old lefty" the same as useless. Got to tell you friends, now that is the weirdest of feelings!  As I lay waiting for the trip to the O.R., I had absolutely NO clue where that arm was.  I figured it had to be perhaps across my chest but when I reached for it, no arm!  Well I knew it had to be SOMEWHERE, so I began feeling around to try and locate it.  It took a moment or two but at long last, there it was...stuck down in between the bed rails, pointing due south.  Kind of glad that it didn't try to go any further away from me.  :)

Dr. Chan and his crew had a big job ahead of them in performing what we all hope to be the final surgery on my arm.  I had the utmost of confidence in his ability to do the necessary repairs.  So with that certainty, I just closed my eyes and left the job to them.  Right before they put the drapes up to begin the surgery, I asked them to let me see "old lefty" one last time.  You know, it made me feel better to be able to look at it and see just how far I have come.  The scars alone will tell one heck of a story someday.  

Well, 90 minutes and a whole lot of other stuff later, "old lefty"  was done...the before and after x-rays tell the story better than I can....

                                                         Day 1-Aug. 4th

                                                 Day 133-December 15th

Remember how I mentioned once that before the first surgery the doctors kept telling me that it looked like a bomb had exploded in my arm?  Well now, I kind of think it looks like Red Green's tool box might have blown up in there instead!  By my count I see a plate that really resembles an open-end wrench, one heck of a long screw, as well as 1 really long nail (ok just a pin).  All that is left to play a game of "I Spy" would be a roll of the "Handyman's Secret Weapon", duct tape.  And by the way friends, don't give them any more ideas, ok?  If I ever get over my fear of flying I'd better plan on a whole lot more time to go through security.  Just saying... 

Well friends, nearly time for another Percocet, some lunch and one more nap.  Since I began typing this blog post at 5 this morning, I've taken a bath plus three nap breaks.  Hey only 6 hours to finish this post one-handed and with my mind in a stupor from pain killers.  I do believe that beats my record from the first time around!  Have a good rest of the Friday my friends.  I'm thinking of you all and I wish for you only the best!

And as would be said by one of my favourite TV personalities,  Red Green, "Keep your stick on the ice.  We're all pulling for you."


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