Wednesday, March 27, 2013

~for all of the things that DIDN'T happen~

Hello everyone and a great "good morning" to you from the Central Time Zone :)  It seems to be so very weird to think that just 24 hours ago I was over 1,200 miles away from here in Kansas, sitting in the airport at Binghamton, New York.  And certainly much has happened to me since Ursela and I left Kansas, now 5 days ago on our journey to Owego and New York City.  The part of the trip that I'm feeling the "most" now doesn't really feel so good and as the saying goes, "It only hurts when I laugh."  But this morning as I have had a good night's rest, about a gazillion cups of coffee and a couple of Alleve I am starting to think and remember all of the really good things that went "right" on the trip.  It causes me a lot of "pause" to realize it and admit to myself.  There were lots of things that didn't happen and for those things, I should be really giving thanks.

Amazingly enough, I never once lost track of my cell phone, camera, or wallet.  That was one of my concerns from the beginning~to be that far away from home and to lose an important and valuable possession would have been rather unnerving.  For 5 full days I held on to them, never once losing sight of where they were.  Shoot, I don't have that kind of track record here at home.  I'm always misplacing something and then frantically scouring the house or the car or my classroom to see if I can find them.  For this small miracle, I'm surely grateful. 

We never missed a flight, lost track of our tickets, had trouble with the rental car, or got lost along the way.  Our GPS system worked great and even if we did miss a turn every now and then, we were still able to keep our wits about us and just make the next turn in the road and get back on track.  No flat tires, no running out of gas, no accidents although we did begin to believe that most New Yorkers drive with one hand on the car horn and they honk it at will several times a journey.  When I sent a text message to one of my friends here in Kansas who grew up in New York, he sent me back a message that made me smile...  "Don't worry Peggy, you were probably driving the speed limit or something LOL."  New York drivers, guess you gotta love 'em.

The beautiful village of Owego was there waiting for us to visit and this time, thankfully it wasn't raining nonstop.  I was able to meet my two Facebook friends there, Kevin Millar and Diana Chandler for the first time as well as visiting all of the good folks at St. Patrick School.  Even though I had to miss going to Sunday morning Mass and the pancake feed that followed because I was over at Johnson City in the ER getting my ribs x-rayed, I was still able to spend a wonderful Monday morning visiting the kids at the school.  Those kids ended up being way better medicine for my aching ribs than anything the doctor could have prescribed for me to begin with.  In that I give thanks.

Although it was tough at first to realize that I wasn't going on to New York City with Ursela, we found a way to make the best of it.  Both of us had come a long way, close to 1,500 miles for the opportunity of a lifetime to see the largest city in America.  I didn't want her to lose the chance just because I couldn't go.  For all of the things that finally worked out, enabling a young 22-year old woman to see the sights and hear the sounds of that beautiful place, I am really grateful.  I had to trust that everything would work out ok for her and for me too and it did.  I made all the connections to get back home to Kansas and I thank you for your part in "praying" me back here.  The absurdity of the whole thing is finally setting in but this I know, it was not my time to go there.  For whatever reason, and may I some day see it, my New York journey was to see the beautiful village of Owego and I guess God must have indeed figured to let me know that "Peggy, it's enough."  I'm ok with it.

I've had a lot of fun and received a lot of joy by having a "bucket list".  Going to New York City and riding the Bike Across Kansas were the two major ones that I had left to do.  So between now and the time that I leave to move to Colorado when school is out, I'm going to concentrate on the only other one remaining...  "To meet all of my Facebook friends in person, buy them something to drink, and talk about life for a while."  I've surely been so blessed with the gift of having a lot of friends~good people who would do whatever it took to help another person.  And by the way, these are folks (and if you are reading this, then YOU are one of them) who help out others not because of what they will get from it in return but only because they know that it's the right thing to do in this life.   Seems to me that is what friends do for one another~

Hoping that wherever you are this day that all will be well for you.  Take care of yourselves and of one another.  Life is very good, even with all of the unexpected things that arise.  I'm working on developing my NEW bucket list, one that can take place beginning this summer as I begin a new life in Colorado with Mike.  I never intend to quit living each day as if it were my last.  Life's brevity would indicate that we all should spend each day in such a manner.  I love you guys and thank you for being my good friends.

Saturday in the early morning hours~Ursela and I at the Tulsa Airport, getting ready to fly to New York.  If nothing else, at least I learned that it's "ok" to fly again.  The events of September 11th, 2001 no longer could paralyze me with fear.  12 years was long enough~

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