Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Good morning dear friends and family~It's the early morning hours here in Binghamton, 4:40 in the a.m. "early" as a matter of fact.  I got a semi-good 6 hours of sleep last night and now I'm up doing my part of the repacking.  Ursela is still sleeping away and I want her to stay that way for a while yet.  Her adventure begins in about 5 hours and she's gonna need all the rest she can get.

I'm a little on the "fretful" side right now but I can tell you this for sure~I am way more determined to make it back to Kansas than I would ever be afraid and just give up right now.  Because this day is already a little overwhelming, I know that I just need to take things one hour, one hurdle at a time.  First things first~get us checked out of the motel, get Ursela to the bus station, get myself to the airport, get this rental car turned in, get myself checked in for the flight, make the flight to KC, and find Grahame at the airport to pick me up.  All of it, done in that order, one "bite of life" at a time today.  Thank you so much friends for the wonderful thoughts and prayers on our behalf.  We need them most assuredly; there is no way to do this totally alone.

It's time for me to get this computer packed away now for the trip out of here today.  Just wanted to say "good morning" and that we are getting ready.  I've been so caught up with the problems of a broken rib that I've forgotten to ask how life is out there for you.  I hope everyone is doing ok and that the weather where all of you are has decided it's time to return to spring.  Stay well everyone, be at peace with yourself and with life, take care of yourselves (please take better care of yourself than I do) and stick together.  This would be Tuesday the 26th day of March, 2013~the GREATEST day ever to be alive in.

The gift of "life"~a daughter, Ursela Catherine Roseanna Hemman.  That little tiny baby is all grown up now.  I pray God's blessings on her for all the days of her life.  She was a wonderful Christmas Day gift back in 1990.  She decided to make her entrance into the world in a non-traditional way and she's been going strong ever since.  For Ursela and her two brothers, I'm grateful.  Three of the most precious things that I've ever known and loved.

                        A very fine reason to make it back home again this day~

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