Monday, October 14, 2013

As we unpack our memories~

Good morning everyone~

What a difference a day makes!  Just yesterday morning at this time we were still sitting at the dining room table at my old home on 14th Street in Hutchinson. We were 611 miles and one time zone away from where we are this morning along the western slopes of Colorado at home in Montrose.  Yesterday's marathon session of driving, about 11 hours in all, got us into the driveway here about 10:30 our time.  Mike and I were so tired that we just left everything in the car, walked in the house and straight to bed and sleep!  When our heads hit our pillows, it was "lights out" in extremely short order.  

When daylight comes and we go out to empty out the car, we'll probably unpack a lot of memories as well.  So many nice things happened to us while we were there in south central Kansas and for every blessing we received, wow in the least of things, we give thanks.  It was surely nice to see all of the kids that returned for our 40th class reunion and to see all of the other graduates of Haven High School as well.  I'm sorry that we weren't able to have our entire class there and for those who couldn't make it, you were definitely missed.  At the Friday evening dinner in the commons area of Haven High the tables were nearly full.  I thought it spoke volumes about our school that so many people, some from very far away, would return to visit it and one another.  As I have said before and with no disrespect to others intended, I am thankful that I had the chance to attend a small rural school in south central Kansas.  Sure, maybe we didn't have all the choices that kids who went to large, city schools did but we received benefits that later on in our lives were much more valuable.  If you did not attend a small school like Haven High, then you missed out on a lot of life's experiences.  Ok, end of my sermon on the value of attending small schools.  AMEN

While we were back home, I stopped into the Hutch News to inquire about getting a mail subscription to the newspaper.  I know that I could read it online and pay a whole lot less and also know the news immediately, not three days later.  But you know there is something about holding an actual newspaper in your hands and smelling its ink-filled scent that is most appealing to me.  I'm going to give it a try for a month and even if the paper comes days after the fact, at least I'll find something in the mailbox that is very valuable to me~news from home!  While I was there, I stopped by the desk of a dear friend of mine, Kathy Hanks.  We became friends several years ago when she wrote a couple of stories about me in the paper.  I love to read her stories because not only are they well written, they always contain a "human touch" about them and I like that.  Since Kathy and I are friends on Facebook, I took her a diet Dr. Pepper (we are so alike) to work on my bucket list item of finding each of my Facebook friends, buying them something to drink and talking about life for a while.  We had a great visit and so happy to have seen her.

 Check out her stories in the Hutchinson News~I love the way she writes!

The day ahead of us will be very busy with much to do here.  It's back to work for both Mike and I tomorrow.  I kinda miss those 18 little people that sit in my classroom at Olathe Elementary School and since I promised them that I would return to school, I guess I had better keep my promise :)  

Come this time tomorrow morning, that's where I will be found.
We were so glad to see those of you that we could on our journey back to Kansas and felt bad about those we weren't able to visit with.  Plans are to travel back there in about 6 weeks during our Thanksgiving break, weather permitting.  But for now, we are here at home in a place on the "other side" and this is where our life together is now made.  Colorado is NOT Kansas but you know what?  It was never meant to be the same.  Slowly but surely with the tiniest of baby steps I am getting used to it.  I still want to bulldoze a great big fat hole all the way through the mountains in order to get a glimpse of the flatlands from time to time.  Since that's probably a feat that will never happen, I'll just rely on the pictures that I took on both my camera and in my heart to suffice.  Have a great day to you all!  We love you guys, each of you.  I am alive and well here and I thank God every day for the blessings that He gives to me in this life of mine.  

My childhood friend for over 50 years now, trying to live long enough to make 75 years :) and that's gotta be a record somewhere~Allen Hale

Dear friends of mine from so long ago, Kathy Perriman and Barb Bogner.  Lots of slumber parties were held in the upstairs of the Perriman home on Topeka Street in Haven.  If those walls could talk....but I'm glad that didn't!
  I loved taking photos during our time back home and each of them was so special.  Yet out of all the ones I took, this one is probably going to have to be my very favourite!  My dear friend from the "land of long ago, and far, far away".....Janis Collman Frederick   We look like two little girls standing there and guess what?  Someone told me as we were standing side-by-side that I actually was TALLER than her!  Imagine that :)  So good to see you dear friend.

Even if he does have a "lead foot", so thankful that he did most of the driving home.  He knows the roads and routes a lot better than I do.  "Lucky" Renfro...the blessing.

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