Tuesday, December 31, 2013

~looking ahead to whatever 2014 might bring us~

A very cold and early good morning to you all from here along the Western Slopes of Colorado.  It's Tuesday and the last day of 2013.  Not a clue as to where all of the time went this year but whether we are ready or not, come tomorrow 2014 will be here to greet us.  I guess it will always be true what they say, "time flies."

So much has changed for me in the soon to be called "days of yore" of 2013.  When I woke up January 1st of this year, I was home in my old bed on 14th Street in Hutchinson, KS.  I was a Title One reading/math teacher in a wonderful school called Lincoln Elementary.  Everything was good and there was no way I would have believed anyone who told me that I'd be living 611 miles away on the last day of the year.  Yet here I am and since late May, I have made my home with Mike here along the Western Slopes of Colorado.  Life remains good, although very changed for me.  The adventure of leaving my lifelong home of Reno County, Kansas and taking up residence at the nearly 6,000 feet elevation level has brought many new memories for me.  Actually, it's really hard to imagine that we've been married seven months already~yep, time flies.

The first months of this year will be very busy with much to be done.  We are anxiously awaiting the birth of a sweet little baby to be born to my son and daughter-in-law on Whidbey Island, WA.  At spring break time in early April, I will fly there to hold that sweet baby and give thanks to God that I can finally become a grandmother.  LIFE~33 years ago, I held that little baby's father in my arms and now it is his turn to do the same.  

In late January, I will return to Kansas to visit and get some things taken care of there in regards to my home in Hutchinson.  While I am there, I need to take "Old Lefty" in for its 1,000,000 mile check up with Dr. Chan over at the Kansas Orthopaedic Center.  I'm having a few issues with it, none that surprise me though.  In one of the final surgeries that were done after my accident in 2011, the good doctor cut out a section of the ulna in order that I might be able to get increased movement in my wrist.  I learned about a year ago that the bone grew back together, not what they wanted, and that I might have needed further surgery.  Not sure that I want to go through that all again but will feel better if they just look at it and advise what to do.  In its current state, holding anything in my left hand or arm gets painful rather quickly.  Since I'm going to be holding a very precious little bundle of joy that will call me "Grandma Peggy", then I want to be sure that all is well.

Last year at this time, I wrote a blog post about what life had been like for me in 2012 and I'm reposting it below, if you would so care to read.  2013 went by in a "whoosh" and although things are different here, one thing has never changed.  The same God who watched over me back in Kansas is right here alongside me in a place that is so close to the state of Utah, that you could just about spit and hit it.  My homesickness and loneliness for "home" as I once knew it has subsided exponentially and for that I am most grateful.  I am blessed a hundred-fold.  What more could I possibly wish for?

Best wishes to you all, my dear friends and family, for a wonderfully peaceful and prosperous 2014 ahead.  No matter what happens, the good or the bad, I say that we all just hold hands and stick together.  Thank you for being my friends and I love you guys all!

From December 26th of 2012

There's a first time for everything~

As the remaining days of 2012 quickly finish flying by, many of us are stopping to pause and think about what we've done all year as well as what we may think of doing in the 12  months that will soon be set before us.  For better or worse, some of us have had a more "eventful" 2012 than others and for my friends who have had a tougher year than one would have ever hoped for, may 2013 be so very much brighter.  Please do NOT give up hope that it WILL be a better one!

For me, 2012 will definitely go down in the "record book" as the year that I witnessed plenty of "firsts" in life, beginning back in early March when I moved for the very first time in my life, out of Reno County.  And although it was only for a short 3 month period of time, I called the Sedgwick County town of Valley Center my "home".  In that short span of time, I made several friends in the neighbourhood and more important than I realized, I learned a lot about myself and what I was made of along the way.  

My Valley Center home on North Abilene Street, in April after a refreshing spring rain.  I took this picture and then took off my shoes in order that I could slosh through the water with my bare feet, the first time that I did it on purpose since I was just a little kid.  Man, that was fun!

I "crossed off" the number 1 item on the "Miller Bucket List" in late May-"to travel to Maine and see my very first lighthouse ever!"  Amazingly enough, except for one flat tire on the return trip home, I had no other troubles in that over 4,000 mile round trip journey.  When I drove into the parking area next to the Portland Head Lighthouse at Cape Elizabeth, Maine it was the realization of a dream that had been years in the making.  It was a definitely "Thank you God" kind of moment.

The trip from Valley Center, Kansas to Cape Elizabeth, Maine was filled with many "firsts" along the way.  It was my first time to drive so very far away all on my own and through traffic so "fast and furious" that I had to literally close my eyes sometimes and just hope to goodness that the lane that I picked was the right one and that no other driver, crazier than I am, was right behind me.  I saw the north eastern part of the United States in all of its splendour for the first time~from the rain soaked yet beautiful village of Owego, New York to all of the people living in Massachusetts  who had no more of an idea where they were "geographically speaking" than I did.  The people of that state not being able to tell me directions anywhere because they honestly felt lost most of the time themselves, is a mystery that will never be solved by me.  And when it was all said and done, this crazy, 5-day journey to a place far away from my home taught me a valuable lesson~for the FIRST time in my life, I realized that I was quite capable of taking care of myself on my own and that even if problems would arise, I could still handle it and arrive home in one piece.  That was a great life  lesson for me~

I learned from my dear friend in Oklahoma City, Kyle Duncan, that my ophidiophobia could be lessened or even cured.  I met Kyle this summer for the very first time at his home in OKC and it was there that he introduced me to his collection of ball pythons.  It was my first time ever to not only stand next to bins that contained "real" snakes but to actually allow myself to pick one of them up and allow it to work its way around me.  Definitely was an experience and I thank my good friend Kyle for showing me that snakes were not nearly as bad as I had thought they would be.

Ok, now let me preface this photo by saying I was doing pretty well until seconds before the photo was taken.  The snake and I had a friendly and civilized agreement that was working out pretty well...I would not scream or start running around like the proverbial "chicken with its head chopped off"  if she/he would not do anything that sane people would deem "silly".  Obviously the snake had made the agreement with "fingers crossed" and at this point in time was doing what snakes do best~exploring.  As you can see by this photo, it was beginning to head right on up poor "old lefty" and I was afraid that after she ran out of arm room, the top of my head would be the next likely place.  But I made it because there was no way on God's earth that I was going to let my death certificate read, "she died because a snake scared her to death."  Kyle to the rescue!

And even though it really wasn't a "bucket list" item, I managed somehow to make friends with yet another reptilian when I met "Todd" the iguana at the home of my dear friends Sara and Tom just a few weeks back.  I had heard so many cool stories about her and what a nice thing it was to actually put "a face to the name".  I learned a lot during my stay and one of the main things was the well-cared for iguanas, just like Todd is, can make wonderful indoor pets. I had never dreamt, not even in my wildest of dreams, that one day I would stand in the same room as an iguana, let alone pet or hold one in my arms.  But for the very first time in my life, I did.  Here we are, shown below:

Ok, now this is the truth...I fell in love with "Todd" the iguana upon sight.  She has a personality all of her own and because she has been given such good and loving care all of her life, Todd is actually quite congenial.  Thanks to Sara, Tom, and "Todd" for this first in my life encounter.

Well, by next week at this time, 2012 will be "history" and we will all be off on the next "leg" of this journey through our time here together.  I made the decision last evening to shorten up my current "bucket list" (revision #1,200 or something :)  and stick with the following 5 items until I get them completed and done.  

1.  to power parachute once again
2.  to continue making my back yard more friendly for an "older person", that'd be me
3.  to continue to catch up with all of my facebook friends in person and buy them something to drink and  talk about life for awhile
4.  to journey to New York City and the village of Owego, NY in late March for a week's stay during our spring break from school
5.  to finally learn to sew something for the very first time in life
AND to follow the sage and wise advice of the truest friend I ever had, and NEVER let my bucket list go empty because it's just pretty hard to kick a full bucket.

I'm going to take a break from writing my blog now until after January 1st.  I want to say "thanks" my friends for all of the encouragement and support you have given me not only this year in 2012 but for as long as you have known me.  I gotta tell you, there is NO way I could have made it through life without the help and support of good friends.  I am beholden to you all~may someday I do for you what you have done so unceasingly for me. And you know what?  The truth of the matter is that you do those good things for me and for others, NOT in hopes of something in return for yourselves....you have done it because you know it is the good, meet and right thing to do for all of humankind.  The mark of a great friend, if I do say so myself.   Good Night!  Happy New Year in 2013 from me and my family.  May it be peaceful, healthy and prosperous beyond measure.

My New York City tour guide and the protector of "elderly aunts"~Jessica Scott, my niece
I'm afraid she doesn't know what she agreed to do LOL.

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