Tuesday, March 14, 2017

~somewhere along the road~

Good morning from Burkburnett, Texas~

Time has flown so quickly since Mike and I first arrived here in this part of the country in May of 2015.  So hard to honestly imagine that nearly two years have come and gone since our arrival that day.  The drought had finally been broken and the floodwaters had all but receded as we drove our moving van and vehicles across the Wichita County line.  It had been a two day journey since we pulled out of the driveway of our old home back in the mountains of Colorado.

We didn't realize just how huge the state of Texas was until we arrived and began driving around seeing a few of the sights close by us.  Our home here along the nearly 1,400 mile long Red River is at the top of the state.  If we ever want to travel to the bottom of the state to say Galveston, we need to plan for a trip of nearly 500 miles.  There's a lot of Texas to see and it will take us some time to do all of that.

Today we are taking out to a couple of places that we've heard about on the news all of the time and certainly on the weather reports as severe thunderstorms have passed through.  In just a little while we will load up in the car and take out to the southeast for a while.  It's actually kind of nice to have so much to see that can be done in short day kinds of trips.  You don't find yourself nearly so tired and expense wise, it can be kept at reasonable amount.  Mike and I will soon make our acquaintance with the communities of Bowie and Nocona, Texas.  Not sure what we will find there, but that doesn't really matter.

It's the adventure that counts.

When I lived back home in Kansas, I had the chance to see nearly all of that good state.  I visited all 105 counties and had the opportunity to meet many fine people along the way.  Of course Reno County is the best one of them all, but there are 104 others that come in a close second.  It was always fun to go to Coronado Heights near the town of Lindsborg and to look out at the land that was there before me.  The sweetest little baby girl who calls me "grandma" lives in one far corner of the state.  The Flint Hills area to the northeast is just about as beautiful as a person could ask for.   A host of friends live back in Hutchinson and Wichita plus many other good people all along the way.  Kansas is a great state and I'm proud to say it is where I am from and always will be.  

In the spring of my soon to be 62nd year, I realize just how important it is to see everything that I can before it's too late to do so.  Sadly, I know many people who wanted to get out and travel to see the world but kept putting it off because they said they didn't have time.  They are the ones who lived to regret that thought.  I used to be one of those people as well and can still find myself using that excuse some times.  

Yet, not today.  

In a world filled with so much discord and unrest, it's easy to think that there is nothing but bad.  At the very least, it's easy to feel that there is very little good.  I'm here to tell you that is so wrong and that the good is out there.  You only have to be willing to go and find it.

I'll bet we do today.
Somewhere along the road between here and there.
As they say here in Texas, we are soon fixing to find out.

Leaving behind these two dear friends was a difficult thing to do that day in May of 2015. Those two ladies are proof that there are good people everywhere you go.  

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