Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Miller Bucket List" Revision #7-time to make hay while the sun shines for the next 2 months!

Well friends, here it is...."The Miller Bucket List" version #7.  When I drew up the first "Miller Bucket List" on the occasion of my 50th birthday back in 2005, I figured I'd just plow my way through the 50 or so items that I had listed and be done with it.  Man, did I ever have that one figured wrong.  I remember only making it through about half of the list and then all of a sudden realizing that some of the things weren't quite as important as I had initially thought.  And so the bucket list changed, actually changing 4 more times before I came up with the current 2011 model.

And here it is, in its 12-item entirety:

1.  to return to swimming lessons once again and make my way right from the polliwog level straight up to guppy status-hey, before you die laughing, remember we all have to start from SOMEWHERE.

2.  to power parachute once again as well as remember Icharus and go for a flight in an ultra-light airplane

3.  to ride on the back of a motorcycle, very fast, and live to tell about it~don't panic all of you, it's not a death wish...just a life wish....and I promise not to do it until "old lefty" is healed up completely.  I promise~a sure thing.

4.  to canoe down the Arkansas River again some Indian Summer day in south central Kansas

5.  to meet with all of my Facebook friends and buy them something to drink and talk about life

6.  to learn how to sew something~kind of late at age 56, but once again, you gotta start somewhere!

7.  to reconnect with all of my family members living all over the United States

8.  to get over my fear of flying (which will come in handy since my nieces and nephews manage to be spread out from New York City to Sarasota and Ft. Walton Beach, Florida)...thanks kids...I think.

9.  to do something "for the good" for a total stranger as many times as possible promote understanding for the cause of organ/tissue donation-"Old Lefty" is what it is today because someone, in their death, was kind enough to give me-a total stranger-their bone. buy a quilt at the Mennonite Relief Auction in April-long story, always wanted to but could never justify the money spent....still can't justify it and finally realize that I don't have to. travel to Maine to see a lighthouse

~And of course, remembering the advice of a very dear friend, "to never let my bucket go empty, because you can't kick a full bucket!"

Hey, how are you guys doing on your OWN bucket lists?  Remember that little assignment that I gave you a few weeks back?  I actually heard from several people who shared their ideas with me.  To you guys I say, "Way to go!" and don't stop there.  To those of you still mulling it over, I hate to be blunt, but what in the heck are you guys waiting for?  All of us are trading "daylight for dark" so it's way past time to get a move on.  And remember, I'm not the boss, just bossy!
Have a good evening friends!  I've been thinking of you all.....

Hang on Icharus, I'm coming back to you very soon!  Big airplanes scare me, little ones...not so much.

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