Sunday, September 2, 2012

~upon being willing to slow down for a moment~

Greetings to you all from the south central Kansas town of Hutchinson!  It's the most beautiful day here, sun is shining with a little south easterly breeze and a temperature right now of 90 degrees.  Just down the street from my house on 14th Street, the good folks at the Kansas State Fairgrounds are busy at work getting everything ready for the gigantic 100th birthday celebration of the fair this year.  Come tomorrow morning about 9 a.m., I'll take the 100-year old trophy that my grandfather and his brothers won for their Morgan Horses back in 1912 and finish entering it into the competition offered for 1912 fair memorabilia.  Who knows?  It COULD be the winner of first prize AND $10 "to boot".  And if not, well I'd never have known if I hadn't tried.

Back in the beginning years of the state fair, people who had to come from any kind of distance would generally hop on the train and head to Hutch.  It was commonplace for that to happen~not like you were going to load the kids up in the SUV and head over for a couple of hours until one of the kids (or parents) got cranky.  In 1912, folks made a day or two of it.  My grandparents and great-uncles would plan on staying for several days, once they made it here.  They shipped their prize winning Morgan horses over by box car a day or two in advance  with one of the uncles coming ahead with them to tend them until they returned home again.  Those remaining would head towards the depot at the north end of the Main Street in Halstead, Kansas and wait their turn to board the Santa Fe heading west towards Reno County.

I have memories of my grandmother telling me how, for that perhaps a week's period of time, work on the farm was put on "hold" so that they all could take a "mini-vacation" of sorts and enjoy time at the fair.  No cooking huge meals, washing clothes, choring outside or anything else that would distract from the fun of having a great time on the "Midway".  The Fair was their "vacation", their "holiday" from the world.  And they made dang sure that every year they were able to SLOW down enough to do it.  

I have never been much good at slowing down for a moment and if you don't believe me, well I have a list of folks you can ask about it and they will surely attest to the fact that it is true.  :) I have never been a  big fan of stopping much along life's way.  I guess that's why on my first day out of my trip to Maine in May, that I drove from 4 a.m. until 9 p.m. that evening to make it to Richmond, Indiana.  I really cannot even explain to you what my hurry has been all along.  I just have always carried along with me this need, this "urgency", to get to wherever it is I am going and to do so very quickly.  I'm learning as I get older that we all get to where we are going quick enough as it is~certainly no need to expedite the process.  And along the way, stopping or at the very least slowing down a bit, is the decent and right thing to do.

This morning as I rode my bike, slowing down and taking time to enjoy the journey was really not in my plans.  I got a late start, 8:00 a.m. instead of 6:30, and I knew just how much I had to do when I got back.  I wanted to ride, regardless, so I hopped on and started pedaling fast and furious towards South Hutchinson.  I HAD to get to where I was going and not waste any more of this great day.

But the strangest thing happened (and in my life, what else is new?  LOL) and as I headed down Main Street going south, I found myself slowing down a bit, actually taking time to notice the surroundings for a change.  And something else happened, I passed cyclist after cyclist who were out doing the very same thing as me~enjoying the exercise.  Each and everyone I passed today, without exception, offered a smile and a friendly wave to me as we passed by one another.  Chances are really good that they have been there each and every time I have ridden.  But in my constant haste to get to where I am going as fast as possible, I've never even noticed they were around me.  Today, thankfully, it was different.

When I got to the "halfway" point of my usual 10-mile ride today, I stopped to take my picture as well as a picture of the official sign that tells me I am halfway there and to just keep going on.  And then, I did the "unthinkable" as far as I have ever been concerned.  I actually leaned my bike up against a tree and sat down on the bench there situated on the corner and put my feet up to rest.  Drinking my water from the bottle never tasted so good as today and that south easterly breeze that I had been riding straight into?  Well, it soon became my friend and ally as it cooled down my sweat filled face, hair and neck.  And all of a sudden, there was really no need to hurry up after all and I liked that!

Well, the day has flown quickly and now already it's nigh onto 2:00 in the afternoon.  I've several things to do before the day comes to a close so guess it's time to get on it.  But oh yeah, wait a second....I have a question for you, one that only you will know the answer to....  When was the last time you slowed down my friends?  Has your job or the search for one overwhelmed you yet?  Mine has at times.  Do you find yourself perpetually on the go, taking care of the needs of everyone but yourself?  Peggy Miller stands close to the front of THAT line.  When was the last time you walked away from the sometimes extremely heavy load of responsibility that you carry, and just for a moment or two in time, had fun and took care of yourself for a change?  It's been a while for me too!  If you can, even for one moment this day, please stop running and just slow down and take time for you.  If you do it then I promise that I will as well.  It's a deal~

Have a great rest of Sunday and a fun-filled Labor Day tomorrow.  It's ok to rest from your labours cause trust me, they will STILL be there waiting for us when we return.  :)

I am happiest when I am on a bike.  It brings me a great deal of peace.  "Old lefty" is doing just fine and getting stronger each and every day.  I am blessed beyond measure in this life.  

You can get to ALL kinds of places from here!  This is the "official" halfway point, just a bit over 5 miles from home.  We are so fortunate in this area to have several bike trails to choose from.  Happy September 2nd, 2012 everyone~what a great day to be alive in :)

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