Sunday, September 30, 2012

~Upon September's close~

It has been a beautiful Indian Summer day here in Kansas, the kind that I always enjoy being outside in.  Wish that could have been true today but unfortunately as I slept overnight the respiratory "crud" crept upon me and rendered me about totally useless for this good Sunday.  I had made plans to go to Oklahoma City with a friend of mine but thought much better of it when I  awoke about midnight last night with a fever and chills.  "Miller's Uncanny Luck" and "Murphy's Law", second cousins twice removed now, met up with one another while I was sleeping. By this morning's planned 5:30 a.m. departure, the OKC trip was a "no go".  I'm not sure what was worse~being sick or having to forego a trip to have fun.  But I am alive and semi-well as I type this blog post so for even the very least of things, I so do give thanks.  

Today has been the first day since forever that I didn't even venture outside the house and talk about boring, well that's about what I'd be calling it.  I slept and slept and then when I woke up, I slept some more.  Not since the days of "old lefty's" confinement have I caught as many zzzzzzs as I did today.  Oblio, my round-headed cat, was getting a little concerned I'm sure.  She's kind of accustomed to me being "upright" and not this sound asleep.  I would like to tell you that her worry was that something had happened to me but the REAL truth is, her food bowl was empty :)  Not to worry~she didn't starve to death and could probably go without sustenance for at LEAST of couple of days before collapsing.  

I have tried to be "good" today and just take it easy but I'm afraid that anyone who really knows me will attest to the fact that I don't do so well on that account.  But chances are good, many of you reading this have the same trouble I do with taking good care of yourself. Whether it be having a second or even third job, caring for the special needs of an elderly parent or other family member, or volunteering somewhere within your community, we all can find ourselves members of the "burning the candle at both ends" club.  More sooner than later, it all catches up to you and you find yourself waking up at midnight with a feeling that says "You know that trip to Oklahoma City that you think you're going on?  Well, you are not!"  

Usually, on any normal given day,  I gauge how successful I am and my own "self-worth"  by the things that I have accomplished, either at home or in my job.  Is my house clean and tidy?  Have I balanced my check book correctly?  Did I teach my students to the best of my ability~did they learn something from me?  How many folks did I help today, known to me or not?  Today I had to use a different rubric, one that showed me that there are different ways to assess just how the day has gone.

Today I have found myself in "forced rest" mode and as such a whole new awareness of this thing called life has come to me.   I have found out that it's perfectly ok to NOT make your bed upon rising each morning and that SOMETIMES being sound asleep in it at 10 in the morning is a perfectly good and even sane thing to do.  I have learned to appreciate a box of ultra soft kleenix and 5 Mucinex tablets in a box that I mistakenly thought was empty.  And the feel of the soft comforter that I bought at the Mennonite Relief Sale in April wrapped around my tired and worn out self  felt pretty dang good this afternoon.  All in all, I think I will live to tell the story.  

Being sick today has allowed me the chance to think about a lot of things, especially the brevity of time.  So on this, the very last day of September, I sit here in amazement at just how fast the year 2012 is flying by.  Much has happened to me already since the first day of January announced the arrival of the "new year".  "Old lefty" was released from confinement, I moved to Valley Center and back again, made a 4,000 mile trip alone to Maine, stayed out of trouble (for the most part), and a thousand other things all in the course of a brief 9 month span of time.  I have been blessed.

I love October and its arrival tomorrow heralds a 31-day period of time I have always enjoyed.  My sons, Ricky and Grahame, each celebrate their birthday then and the thought of them being another year older (Ricky on the 2nd and Grahame on the 6th) always causes me to pause and give thanks that they have made it yet another year in life.  The 26th marks my own  day to turn another year older, and as I countdown the last few days until I reach the appointed  age of 57, I give thanks as well for me, that I am here to enjoy life to its fullest.  And in my quest to no longer be known as "the mean old lady who lives at 304 and NEVER gives out Halloween candy to trick-or-treaters", October 31st will be my second annual "buy $50 worth of candy and give it out to total strangers when they ring my doorbell" kind of moment.  Long story~all I can say is I've changed.  5 years of boycotting "trick or treaters" came to a halt last year.  It didn't kill me.  I only thought it would.

I hope this day has been well for all of you  my dearest of friends and that you have done something good for yourself.  I guess it's true what they say, "time flies when you are sick" (surely someone says that) because it's now nigh onto 6 p.m. and the day will quickly come to a close.  Gonna head to bed early tonight and get a little more rest.  Come tomorrow there will be about 250 kids that will be looking for me and all the other folks down at Lincoln Elementary.  No greater blessing than to have a child call you "teacher".  

Have a good evening everyone out there and for crying out loud, take care of yourselves!  You are worth it~Today is Sunday, September 30, 2012 and even if I WAS sick and didn't get to go to OKC, it has been a great day to be alive in.  Good night all~

Some of the best "medicine" and greatest "perks" that a teacher could have.  My summer school kids from July of this year at McCandless Elementary~they help me stay young, forever :)

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