Saturday, August 24, 2013

For upon the time when things must change~

Hey, good morning everyone out there from the Western Slopes where a mild breeze is blowing out of the south east and the sky is very filled with clouds.  The weather here, at least to me, seems to be changing as the seasons begin to do their yearly dance and change partners as they go.  It seems more and more like fall which is now due to arrive in less than a month.  Funny how you remember things from your past but if I were to describe the weather right now, it would be a combination between the last day of the Kansas State Fair and a North Dakota wheat harvest.  You would have to have lived the life I have to understand what I mean when I say that but that's a whole other story.

You know, I went through a couple of changes (or a thousand) when I moved to Colorado earlier this summer.  Many of those changes were like the taste of the proverbial "hard and bitter pill to swallow" but somehow or another, I managed to survive them even though at the time I was sure I would not.  Perhaps some of the greatest of challenges arose when I felt like I was being forced to relinquish my allegiance to my home, the great state of Kansas. I began to feel like that guy the history books call "Benedict Arnold" or something.  It was during those times that my original bouts of homesickness seemed to be the most debilitating and my attitude became "sucky" at best and much farther beyond that at its worst.

I hadn't been here even a week before I made the journey down to the local driver's license bureau just a few miles away from our house.  My Kansas DL, valid yet for another 3 years, would have to be replaced with a new driving permit from here in Colorado.  Man, was that one a hard cross to bear.  I'd held onto that license for the better part of 42 years and to just unceremoniously surrender my "ticket" to the world of driving freedom to some blonde-haired lady behind the counter was just a little more than I wanted to have to do.  But I did.  I'll never forget the experience because when I naively asked her if I could keep my license she looked at me and said, "You aren't in Kansas any more Dorothy", as she stamped the word "void" across my Hutchinson address.  When she added her maniacal laugh to it as she handed the old license back to me, well she might as well have just stabbed me in the heart.  I tucked my old Kansas DL back into my wallet that early June day and that is where it has stayed since then.  If it's against the law to carry your old driver's license in your wallet here in Colorado, then please start saving up your pennies to start the "Peggy Miller Renfro" defense fund, ok?  :) I thank you in advance.

Ok, although I am sometimes very meek and mild, I have a rebellious streak in me that sometimes "rears its ugly head" and I hope it never leaves me.  Can you believe that they would post a sign like that?  :)

And then, well THEN came the issue of license plates for my Honda Civic.   All summer long I knew the day would come when my Kansas tag would have to go, only to be replaced by some yucky Colorado one. Sorry to offend any of the good folks here but I have seen Colorado tags all of my life and the current green/white combination of the mountains has never been my favorite all time one. Because the current tag I was using would expire on the last day of August, all summer long I knew that I had several weeks in which to think about it.  I could still feel like I was a flatlander somehow.  Yet, because I am not a fan of being pulled over by any of the Colorado state troopers that I see every morning on my way to school, this week I decided I'd better get in and get new plates.  It was actually a much less painful experience than I thought it would be.  With all of the paperwork in hand and a much shorter wait than I would normally have experienced back in the tag line at the Reno County Courthouse, I purchased my new plates.  Much to my pleasant surprise, I actually was charged $100 less than I would have if I were to have renewed back in Kansas.  Because of the savings and my disdain for the regular plates, I was able to choose for an extra $50 a speciality plate of my liking.  There are dozens here to select from but it didn't take me long to pick out the one that I wanted.  I did it for Eleanore, for "old lefty", and for the unknown dear man from Missouri who provided the bone material that I needed for the repair of my arm when it was "busted to smithereens" back in 2011.  I say to you always, please "Donate Life".

Slowly, with the tiniest of baby steps, little by little I have become more accustomed to living here along the Western Slopes.  It has taken over 3 months for me to come to the place where I am this morning.  Although I still miss things back in Kansas, I have found myself way too busy as of late to sit around a pine for a place that meant everything to me.  And that, my friends and family, is a good thing.  Every morning I have a reason to get out bed and get going and those reasons go by 17 different names.  I am their teacher!  Through all of the struggles with getting used to this very changed life of mine, God's plan for me all along was to be here and ready to assume the responsibilities of teaching one of the fourth grade classes at Olathe Elementary School.  I'm having to learn a lot of stuff very, very quickly and my main goal of the day is to always stay one step ahead of the kids.  

My life as a teacher is so much different here in Colorado and even though I have been in education for over 35 years now, I feel like I am working towards getting my "FFA Green Hand" or something.  (I hope I used that analogy correctly because I am afraid that somewhere out there is a former FFA member who is saying to themselves, "What the heck is she talking about?")  I'm blessed to be working with a great staff of people and a principal who really cares about those he leads each day.  

And about that man, our principal Mr. Brummitt, I would be so remiss if I didn't tell you about the weird experience that I had with him and the rest of my class on only the second day of school this past week.  It was math time and we were just getting ready to do some "mental math" when Joe stopped in to observe what we were doing.  He hadn't been there more than a couple of minutes when all of a sudden as I was speaking, one of my very front top crowns came loose and simply popped out of my mouth and into my hand.  Talk about your humiliating and most horrifying of experiences.  What could I do?  I was standing there with a gaping hole in my mouth and a very old crown in the palm of my hand.  I looked at him and the students in front of me and said, "Well this isn't good!"  Mr. Brummitt, well he didn't miss a beat.  He got up from his chair, asked me if I had a dentist and when he learned that I didn't, told me to wait a minute that he'd be right back.  In less than 5 minutes he returned with the news that his own personal dentist would see me and that I should go right away to get it cemented back in.  Joe took over my class and even arranged for a ride for me to get back to Montrose for the appointment.  (what a day for me to not have my own vehicle at school~another whole story).  When I left the room, eyes filled with tears, I thanked him for helping me and apologized for the inconvenience that it would cause everyone.  He looked at me and with a very sincere voice proclaimed, "Mrs. Renfro that's what we do here at Olathe Elementary" and you know what, he meant every word of it.  Is it any wonder that I am glad to be a teacher once again?

Well speaking of school, it's really time to get going.  My once neat teacher's desk is stacked with piles of stuff to do this day.  Keep praying, if you are so inclined, for all the teachers out there who daily walk into classrooms and try their best to make a difference in the lives of the children they are entrusted with.  Sometimes it is difficult~sometimes it is easy but always in the end, it is worth it.  When my life is over, whenever that may be, I will never have regretted giving the years that I did to education.  We are all born to do something in this world....I was born to be a teacher.  Even though this year will be one of the most challenging that I ever had, I am more determined to make a difference in that classroom than I would ever be afraid to try.  Have a good weekend everyone out there, my friends and family.  Love to all of you.

My old friend, Monarch Pass on the very first trip I made here back in early January of this year.  We'll be crossing back over it in early October in order to make the trip back home to Kansas for my 40th class reunion.  Hoping the weather will be decent enough to cross over it because whether it is or not, I am going!  Cannot wait to be back in Reno County and especially my hometown, Haven, Kansas.  Lots and lots of really good folks live there and I intend to join them that day.

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