Monday, January 12, 2015

~for the record~

I found out something interesting about myself yesterday as I did a little research on the computer to determine what kind of social security benefits I could expect to receive in the years ahead. There are all kinds of buttons you can click on to determine what your social security monthly payment will be.  I have to admit that it was a bit unnerving to select the "submit" button on their webpage to determine the life expectancy for a woman born on the date that I was but I did it regardless.

For the record and according to statistics, it seems as though I have only another 26 years and a few leftover months to live.

So assuming that magically the number is correct and I don't die sooner or live any longer, what on earth am I going to do with the less than 3 decades of life that await me?  The answer is that I am not sure.  I guess that I will just have to live them to find out.

And further for the record, no matter whether you are a man or a woman, young or old, the same shall be said for you.

My maternal grandmother, Catherine Brown, lived to the winter of her 106th year.  Her last four years of life weren't all that happy as she entered long term nursing home care at the age of 102 but at least she made it a long time before that happened.  Grandmother had actually been able to take
pretty good care of herself until the age of about 100 and only then did she move in with one of her daughters.  She lived a long and absolutely wonderful life and for the most part was able to keep her wits about her until the very end.  Grandmother left a magnificent legacy behind, one that included being a strong role model for the little granddaughter she had whose name was "Peggy".  If I should live past 100 then I would pray to be just like her.

For the record, no matter what age I should live to I want to be just like her.

I try my best to never take for granted the blessings that come with every breath I take each day yet I am sure that I do from time to time.  You know how we humans can be.  We get up every morning, head out the door to work or school, come home at night to eat supper and watch a little TV, then head to bed and fall asleep, intending to wake up in the morning to start it all over again.  It's just the way we are but yesterday when I saw that magic figure that women born on the date I was are predicted to live until the "ripe old" age of 86.1 years old and that basically I'm down to my last 26.9 years of being....well, I guess it gave me pause to stop and reflect.

It might have made me think a bit but just for the record it didn't keep me up all night worrying about it.  Life is what it is~LIFE.

So after I finish this cup of coffee and drink perhaps one more, I'm going to get dressed for school and head out the door to begin yet another day of living on this great planet called Earth.  My life has brought me to the most interesting of places, not only geographically but personally as well.  I'm actually kind of excited to see what my remaining time shall have in store for me.  Whether my earthly existence is completed in 26 years, months, weeks, days, or even hours is not important to me.  What is of the utmost importance is how I spend them.

And you know, for the record I intend to spend them very well.  I intend to live.

My new life here in Colorado began

 underneath a basketball goal in an elementary school gym back home in Kansas.

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