Tuesday, January 6, 2015

~my life has been made better~

In the very unpredictable life that I have lived, there is one thing that I know for sure.

"My life has been made better because I was a teacher."

The first day back to school after Christmas vacation is now over.  It's in the books, so they would say.  It was really nice to see "the 21" again and all in all, I'd say the day went pretty darned good.  We got through many of the things on our agenda for this Tuesday, the sixth day of January and experienced things that were not even close to planned by me.  The kids were ready to be back in class and the truth is, so was I.  As fast as this day flew by, it will be no time at all that we will find ourselves finished with this school year.  A teacher can only pray to get everything done to prepare them for the next grade.  Time is so precious and not a moment can be wasted.

When I look in the mirror each day as I ready myself for school, the face looking back at me is not the one of the 23-year old first year teacher that I once was.  Come to think of it, it's not the face of a 40 year-old teacher either.  My hair has begun to show tiny bits of gray, the worry lines around my eyes and across my forehead have become more and more prominent as time goes on.  After 37 of years of doing this, I don't get down on the floor to work with kids near as much I used to and if I do try it, I do so with the issuance of this bit of caution.

"Hey you guys, if I cannot get up again you know what to do, right?"
They always assure me that they do.

I feel grateful for the job that I have and the fact that the good people of Olathe Elementary are always behind me and encouraging me all the way just makes it that much nicer.  At age 59, I am one of the older folks here and thus, each day I'm surrounded by teachers and staff members who were born just about the same time that I started in this business of teaching.  They are very kind and respectful to me especially during those times when I have seem to be having my share of those special times in our later years referred to as "senior moments".  Just one of those perks from getting older.  I have learned so much from them and thankfully I long ago gave up the crazy notion that I could never acquire any knowledge from someone younger than myself.  They are great teachers, ones who will stay the course in the years to come.

I don't know how many years I have left in education but I certainly hope there are at least few left.  When I go home at the end of the day I'd be the first to admit I am exhausted.  Some days I'd have to say I'm just plain worn out.  Yet even though my nearly 60-year old body is tired, there is one thing that I can say with certainty.

My heart is not.

I just feel pretty thankful right now and in my gratitude I remember all of the people here who help me to get through each school day.  The kitchen staff who bring us our breakfast each morning help to get the day started off right.  The custodial crew always stays on top of making sure that  my room is cleaned up.  The office ladies help me to keep things straight here and by so doing make my day go so much smoother.  My principal supports me in all things and is genuinely interested in what goes on in our classroom.  The teaching staff is behind me all the way, lifting me up when things are sometimes difficult for all of us here.  I'm not sure I could ask for a whole lot more.

My bank account will never reflect that I signed a contract with six figures on it.  There are no trips planned to exotic places around the globe.  The Renfro family watches our budget just like all the other folks I know and even having said all of that, yet one more thing is for certain.

"Teaching has made me a very rich woman."
Day is done and it is way past time to go home yet here I still sit in the room that occupied nearly 10 hours of my life today.  It's a good place, one filled potential for all concerned, myself included.  I'm pretty sure when my last day on earth arrives that I will leave with the knowledge that for myself, I have done the right thing.  I may not have been able to reach every kid out there who needed help but for the ones that I have been blessed with....well, I did my best.  What more could you ask of a person?  I have said before and will say many times again in the future the very same thing.

"If you could read this, please be sure to thank a teacher somewhere."

I am glad that I have given my years to teaching.  It has been done with absolutely no regrets.

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