Thursday, September 24, 2015

~take care~

With just slightly over a month before my 60th birthday arrives, I have come to one startling conclusion.  

The time flew~

I've been sick this week.  A couple of times I began to believe that they made the old saying "sick as a dead dog" just for me.  After coming home Saturday evening from a great two day visit to Kansas, by Sunday my nearly 6 decades old body began to ache.  Big time.  I had no fever and only just a slight cough but I simply felt horrible and I wasn't sure what had hit me.  Sunday was a blur and after sleeping away most of the day, you'd think I'd have been better but I was not.  Even though I went to school on Monday, I ended up coming home at noon and sleeping away the rest of that day too.  By Tuesday things were slightly better and although I'm still fighting a crazy cough, I believe I'm on the mend.  

For now.
Until the next bout comes once again.

All of my life I have been a good one to practice that proverbial "burning the candle at both ends" approach to things.  It seemed I was never really satisfied unless I was doing a dozen things, sometimes simultaneously.  I could manage it in my younger years but as the years have flown by I have noticed that it takes a whole lot less time to get my body stressed out and a whole lot more time to recover once I get sick.  You'd think there would be a lesson in there somewhere but as of yet, this school teacher has failed to learn it.

My blog post message to you all this morning is short and sweet.

Please dear friends take care of yourselves.  Even in a time when there are nearly always a thousand things to do each day on our own "to do" lists, there is not a one of them that cannot wait until tomorrow (or next week for that matter) to be done.  Some of them can actually be scratched altogether. There is no chore that will ever be more important than taking care of your health. 

From here in the land called "Texhoma" I am alive and nearly well.  I pray the same for you dear friends and family wherever you may be.  Welcome to Thursday, September 24th, 2015, one very great day to be alive in.  Rejoice and give thanks.

The little nine year old girl that I used to be often times got sick.  There were the regular old childhood diseases of that day like chicken pox, measles (both kinds), and mumps.  I got them all.  Yet the worst kind ever was the whooping cough and even though I was only 4 years old, I remember it as if it happened only yesterday.  There were so many times that I'm sure that my parents worried that I'd stop breathing while I was coughing but I made it.  Because of all I went through as a little kid, I have always been a firm believer in vaccinations.  I wish those kinds of things would have been around to help me and a whole lot of other kids who had to endure those awful diseases.  Despite everything, I have had the most wonderful life.

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