Wednesday, September 30, 2015

~and we wonder where it all went~

And so tomorrow the calendar shall turn the page to "October".  My only question is this.

"Where did the first 9 months of 2015 go?

It is now well over 4 months since Mike and I arrived here for a new life in the Lone Star state of Texas.  It was a wet and chilly Sunday morning when we pulled out of the driveway back in our old home in Montrose, Colorado and headed southwest.

800 miles to the southwest.

I remember breathing a sigh of relief to have made it up and over the 12,000 feet summit of Monarch Mountain.  The snow and ice was still up there, even though summertime (at least by the calendar) was only 3 weeks away.  When we came down to the bottom and headed towards the beautiful town of Salida, I realized that no longer would I have to worry about whether or not that old mountain pass would stand in the way of my getting to wherever I wanted to go.  That worry was now over and from the Atlantic Ocean side of the great Continental Divide, the journey looked to be smooth sailing all the way.

For all intents and purposes, it was.

For the last 94 days we have made our home here in Texas.  We have begun to learn what we need to know in order to survive here.  No longer do we marvel at the mention of sweet tea in every other sentence and believe it or not, once in awhile I have caught myself uttering the strange word "y'all".  We feel to home here.  It seems as if Kansas is just a short distance away and when you are used to driving over 12 hours to get home from the mountains, the 5 hours that it takes now are a slice of that proverbial "piece of cake".  For that I am most thankful.  

But where has the time gone?

January of 2015-The sheep came down from the high country to graze and clean out the alfalfa fields next to our old country home.  What a sight to see!  I miss that once in a while.  We didn't even know that we would be moving away come the summer.

February of 2015-We took Sally for a walk one very snowy and cold Saturday afternoon.  Still we had no inclination of what would lie ahead of us.  Soon we were to find out.

March of 2015-We began to think about moving to Texas for a variety of reasons.  Job security for both of us was at the top of the list.  Still we had no idea where we would land, only that Montrose would soon no longer be our home.  I began to realize that I would have to say "good bye" to a wonderful bunch of first graders.  These special little ones were only a few of them.  

April of 2015-Finally we narrowed down the choice of where to move to the general vicinity of Wichita Falls, Texas.  It was time to begin to pack up, sell what we really didn't want to take with us, say our farewells, and prepare ourselves for the changes that would lie ahead.  We paid one last visit to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison and marveled that the snow was still on the ground up there.

May of 2015-3 garage sales, a couple of hundred moving boxes, so many sad "good byes", and one moving truck later, we were ready to leave.  Neither of us have looked back.  Ever.

The final 3 months of 2015 will undoubtedly race by us and soon we'll be sitting here looking 2016 square in the eye.  Mike and I both remarked the other evening that it seems like time speeds by here in Texas even more quickly than it did in Colorado or surely even in Kansas.  Not sure what to make of our observation, only to remind ourselves that we should live our lives to the fullest each and every day.  One thing remains for sure.

Time flies as you are living this thing called "life".

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