Sunday, January 17, 2016

~and they patiently waited their turn~

We checked the weather forecast a whole lot in the past 48 hours.  Back and forth, back and forth between Mike and I, yet the answer was still the same.  

There was about a hundred gazillion percent chance of rain/snow/sleet and any other kind of moisture one could think of that was forecast to move into our Texoma region yesterday morning.  They were right.  From about 7 a.m. all the way up until early afternoon, first rain and then huge snowflakes fell from the sky.  Our plans for getting our big furniture moved from   our old house to the new one here on the other side of town were cancelled.  There was no getting around it.  So we gave up that notion and rescheduled everything for today.  It will work out.

Knowing by 6 a.m. what we were going up against, Mike and I decided to take both of our cars to the new house and unload everything that we could before the rain came down.  We had packed both of them to the point of "critical mass" before we went to bed Friday night.  Good thing we had to drive only 4 miles because those two cars were very heavily laden.  We laughed when we both realized how much stuff two people can accumulate in life.  Not sure how much of it is really necessary in the whole scheme of things, but that's another blog post.

We had kind of a system that seemed to work.  I unloaded the vehicles, put the things on the front porch, and Mike relayed them to the spare bedroom in the house.  All the while the temperatures started to drop and you could just feel the moisture in the air.  But we kept on and hoped to goodness that we could get the last box unloaded and into the house before the first wave of rains came down.  Sure enough, that's exactly what happened.  Literally to the last box, I felt the first raindrop fall upon us.  God answered our prayer of getting it all in before getting drenched in the rain.

The rest of the day was spent moving over as much as we could on our own and cleaning both houses as we went.  Today we will have plenty of help to get things moved.  My sister and brother-in-law, a friend of Mike's from work, my partner teacher from school and her husband, plus the young man stationed at the nearby Air Force base who we were privileged to meet and have to Thanksgiving dinner will all be here.  

We couldn't get everything done like we wanted to yesterday but that doesn't matter.  God provides always and today we shall.  The rain/snow mixture was an inconvenience and we really weren't wishing for it.  But one of the very first things we learned about moving to this part of the state last June was how desperate everyone was for nearly a 5 year period of time for the very thing that slowed us up yesterday.  They needed water and they needed it badly.  So for the people of this land of the former drought, of which Mike and I are now a part of, we say a word of thanks for any time in which the gift of water is given.  

Even on days when you would like to be moving furniture.  

We love this house and slowly will be settling in.  There is much to do here and things that need some attention right away.  Mike is very good at fixing things and I love to paint walls so we figure we'll make it just fine.  It was built in 1955, the same year that I was born.  It has much potential to be an even prettier house than it already is.  It just needs some attention and a little bit of love.  

The Renfro family intends to provide just that.

And they patiently waited their turn~

to find their place at the table~

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