Thursday, May 26, 2016

~having traveled along this road~

We have nearly made it to the last day of school for this year.  My 38th year in the field of education has flown by and just like everything else that has happened to me in my life, I still wonder the same question.

Where are on earth did all the time go?

30 miles lie between my front door and the front door of Petrolia Elementary School.  There really is no easy way to get there from here.  A series of twists and turns, yet another county away from Burkburnett, provide the road that I have used for the past nine months.  Tomorrow marks the last day I shall travel it.  Over 10,000 miles of highway time later, it's going to feel a little weird to no longer do so.

I've left every morning before the sun even arose here in Burkburnett.  I'm an early riser to begin with so it just made sense to get a good start on the day.  Usually I have left home between 5:30-6:00 in the early morning darkness in order to get to school around 6:15 or so.  I recall in the beginning just how scared I was that I would get lost along the way.  The first time Mike and I drove over to check out how to get there, I remember thinking just how long and winding a road it seemed to be.  From the "get go", I began to look for landmarks that would help to light the way and help me to not forget where I was at or where I was going.  

Somehow, it all worked out.  
I never got lost once.
Just call me "Dorothy".
I followed the "yellow brick" road.

The way there each and every day was marked by the signs and landmarks shown below.  I got so used to seeing them each day and they provided me much comfort and peace of mind.  I know that it sounds strange, but it was like there were angels resting upon them as they helped to lead me to my destination for well over 175 days this past school year.

For the safe passage that the good Lord above has provided me as I traveled, I do give thanks. I'm not sure where life will lead me in the weeks and the months ahead, but I have faith that God already knows and is preparing the way for me to get there right now in this present time.

That's what I love about faith.  It leads you to believe in things that you can't even see but believe me when I tell you, they ARE already there.

Look carefully at the pictures below.  I believe that angels had a hand in it all and perhaps just like me, you will see them for yourselves.

This sign was my first turn of the drive.  I knew that if I saw the light above it in the darkness, that I would turn left and head towards school.
The little community of Cashion marked the very beginning of the drive each day as well as the point in the return trip home when I was sure that I could make it!

The road in between here and there was marked with signs all around it.  They were signs that I grew to rely on and pay attention to along the way.
Clay County, Texas covers 1,117 square miles.  Petrolia is just one of the towns within it.  At the end of a long day at school, it was always good to see this sign as I looked back and to know that I was just about home.

The church and the country cemetery at Thornberry always told me that I was halfway through the journey.  I looked for them both, even when the weather was foggy or rainy or any other way in between.  They gave me hope that sooner or later I would make it.

I have driven in all kinds of weather, the good and the bad.  Thankfully there was never any ice or snow to worry about.  I had been afraid of that but fortunately that was not an issue for me. I had my fair share of fog to travel through and sometimes it was pretty thick.  It was during those times that I really relied on those landmarks to see me through and guide me along the way.  I figured as long as I could make it to the orchards at Charlie, then everything would be ok.

I never had an accident although in the early spring the transmission of my jeep went out just outside of Cashion on the way home one day.  Now that was fun.  I limped in, driving about 20 mph but I made it.  I never had a tire go completely flat, although I did have a run on nails and assorted objects finding their way into my back passenger side tire.  I nearly ran out of gas back in the late fall as I foolishly neglected to check my gas gauge before leaving home one early morning in the dark.  I prayed the entire way from Thornberry to Petrolia that the good Lord above would guide me in on nothing more than fumes.  I never hit a deer although I saw aplenty of them.  One time, I nearly collided with an entire herd of wild hogs that were running across the road just the other side of Charlie.  That was a surreal experience to be sure.  I've seen more dead skunks, possums, coyotes, and armadillos than I ever imagined I would.  

One thing I can say about the was never boring.

I will miss the dear friends that I have made at Petrolia and the many fine families that I have come to know.  I thank God for this year of experience and growth for me as a teacher.  I was brought here for a reason.  

Nothing in this life happens by accident.

The best sign ever to see at the end of the day is this one.  We love our community and are so glad that we are here.  God knew just where to put us!

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