Saturday, January 28, 2017

~in a place like Randlett~

I come from a small town in Kansas where I was raised up with the help of many different people.  I'm proud of my small town heritage and the memories that it provided for me during all of my growing up years.  Although many of my friends and family live in large cities and absolutely love it, I could never do that.

Not even for a million dollars.
And that's the truth, too!

In 39 years of teaching now, 29 of those years have been spent in small towns.  From Yoder, Kansas to Olathe, Colorado and from Petrolia, Texas to Randlett, Oklahoma I have met many good and fine folks who stood by me, through good times and bad.  There is something different about small town people that is very appealing to me.  It's not that big city people aren't good people too.  They just live in a different place, one that really isn't for me.

Tonight Mike and I had the chance to head to Randlett for a benefit hamburger fry that was done to help with the medical expenses of one of our own.  It was held at the local fire station and sponsored by the firefighters of the area.  Lots of people came to help out with many of them being people I knew from school or the outlying communities.  How heartwarming it was to see them all come through the line, dig deep into their pockets, and press that money into the cashier's hands.  

Don't listen to what you hear on the news, that the world is filled with bad people.
Folks are honorable, benevolent, good and kind and they live in places just like Randlett, Oklahoma.

As we sat there watching the crowd while we ate, it was so apparent that people in the Randlett community are there for one another.  There was a lot of hugging, handshaking, teasing, and talking going on all over the inside of the fire station.  When we left about 5:45 an entirely new crowd of people was waiting to step inside and do the very same thing we had just done.  We have high hopes that the night's proceeds will be of great worth.  Money raised will be given to someone who, if not for their being the recipient this time, would do all they could for anyone else in need.  You know, you have to love a small town.  If you are looking for one to enjoy, I have a thought for you.

Why not choose a place like Randlett? 

I spend my days with these guys!  I'm very blessed to be at Big Pasture School this year.
These dear children spent their days with me at Olathe Elementary in Colorado.

Although I only knew them for one year, these Petrolia Pirates were much loved by me.

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