Friday, April 13, 2012

Some food for thought

I headed up to the MCC Sale at the fairgrounds after school today because I wanted to be able to take a look at the quilts on display before the 8:45 auction tomorrow.  I had my 5 special ones picked out that I wish to bid on and I just had to see what they look like "up close and personal".  I wasn't disappointed in the least, to be sure.  There, all through out the west end of the Meadowlark Building, they were.  Over 200 quilts, comforters and other examples of fine handiwork were available for me and all of the other folks there to see.  

I stood in line, #30 in position, to buy a couple of reserved seats for the auction tomorrow.  Can't believe how fortunate I was to get "lucky" seats number 8 and 9~both happen to be smack dab in front of the rotating table on the stage that shows off every quilt as it's being auctioned.  So even while I'm not interested in bidding on all of the quilts, it will be kind of fun to watch and see how much each individual one will bring.  

As I checked in with the ladies at the quilting table, I happened to ask a couple of questions of them that were kind of important to me.  "I'm a schoolteacher" I explained. "Is there a chance that I might be able to get one of those beautiful things?"  Both of the ladies just smiled at me and said, "yep" even school teachers could bid and win them.  They were quick to point out, though, that sometimes they can go pretty high.  Last year's top quilt brought in a bid of $4,000.  Rest assured, that's not in the plan for me.  I have my "secret limit" and I will be sticking to it.  My good friend Mike knows what that figure is and he assures me that there's no way he'll bid over it.  So one way or the other, I'm either going to come home with a quilt or my money.  Looking at it that way helps to keep things in perspective.

Before I left  for home, I took a walk through the myriad of quilts that are on display, most of them hand crafted by the women of any number of Mennonite churches through out the state of Kansas and even beyond our borders.  Really, seeing all of them is a "treat for the eyes".  Every imaginable color, size, pattern, and style can be seen as you wander down the aisles.  Pictured below are two of them I am interested in.  Will I get one of them?  Remains to be seen but one thing I do know is this...I have to bid on them to have the chance.  

Cannot even imagine all of the hours of work that went into either of these quilts.  I have the utmost admiration for anyone who can make a masterpiece such as these are.  I'm hard pressed to be able to sew on a button on any given day, much less put colorful geometric shapes together in a pleasing pattern.  So kudos to all of you quilters out there.  What a gift to be able to do something like that!

Before I left the quilting area I stopped to take a look at a couple of the informational signs that I saw posted at the ends of the quilt displays.  Reading those signs gave me pause , perhaps they shall do the same for you...

I'm spending the night here in Hutchinson so that I don't have to get up and drive back over early in the morning from Valley Center.  The motel room I am staying in costs $69.99 for this night.  When I filled my new car up this morning, it cost me $36.00 and I grumbled about it.  The tab for my supper tonight at Wendy's came to $6.00 and I was able to pay for it with the loose cash I had at the bottom of my purse.  I am blessed beyond measure my friends and so grateful that my home is not in Lebanon or Zimbabwe.  With shame, I must admit that I have taken for granted so many things this day that others living either in my own country or any other will be doing without this night.  So you know, EVEN IF I don't get the highest bid on any of the quilts tomorrow, I will take my "meager" stash of money back home and spend it on something else that I need.  What I have already spent this day, in the "land of plenty", would have been stretched beyond belief in any third world country you can name.  I vow to continue to do a better job of counting my blessings each day, lest some day it be me.  Have a good evening family and friends.  Stay safe tomorrow in the crazy weather headed our way, all of you in Ks. and Ok.  Love you guys all!

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