Monday, April 23, 2012

You know it gets better every day....

I actually had to stop and ask my son Grahame last night, just how long it had been that I'd been living in Valley Center.  Honestly, I had no idea.  "Three weeks now, Mom." was his reply.   Had it really been three weeks?  A quick check of the calendar verified that indeed, Sunday April Fool's Day, was now long ago history.  I remember saying once that when I could no longer readily tell anyone just how many days it had been since I left my life in Hutchinson and moved to my new community of Valley Center, that I would consider myself "at home" here.  Guess what?  I'm home.

A whole lot has happened to me since I opened the door to my new home on Abilene Avenue that early April weekend.  The mountains of boxes that were filled with my life's necessities and treasures have dwindled down to just a few remaining ones~the leftover stuff.  If you've ever moved then you know exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about.  They are tucked away in one of the spare bedrooms and when I have time, I'll get to them sooner or later.  I've met some wonderful neighbors, both to the north and the south of me, and rest assured friends that if I ever need anything, they'd be the first to come and find me.

I've made a new friend named Karter, a seven-year old who just now got out of his cast from his broken right arm.  He's reminded me several times this past week to bring "old lefty's" last cast home from school so he can see it.  Kind of a "show and tell for the "broken arm club".  He's even invited me to go fishing with him some time and by the looks of him in the yard as he practices his casting techniques, well I'd say Karter could more than likely "outfish" me any day of the week.  But hey, it'd be fun to try!

I've picked out some places to explore and visit in and around town and have learned quickly that this 6,000+ population of people town is much more spread out than I could have ever imagined.  I found Leeker's Grocery Store (where they STILL ask you if you want "paper or plastic?"), stopped in at Bartel's Hardware Store (reminiscent of the 13th and Main Street Westlake back home in Hutch), and accidentally found both the carwash AND the post office standing "side by side".  

This past weekend was a good one for me, perhaps one of the best weekends that I've had in a long time.  I attribute much of that to the good attitude that I woke up with on Saturday morning.  Don't know how to describe it, except that it was a better way of thinking than I had known in days prior.  Just two weeks ago, I was in tears as I drove home from school during one of those first days gone.  I spent the better part of two full days just second-guessing my decision to leave Hutch and move to Valley in the first place.  But Saturday morning, all of those fears, questions, and the unknown that accompanies a big change in life were gone.  I decided that I wasn't going to wait another minute for Valley Center to come and find ME....I was going out to find IT.

One of the most beautiful places in this town is not even a quarter mile from where I live.  McLaughlin Park is just down Abilene Street a ways, due north of my home.  Besides a wonderful play area for kids, picnic area for families, and one heck of a frisbie golf course, there is also a beautiful pond with a walking path around it.  I'd never seen it until this weekend, but now that I am finally aware of its presence, I intend to return to it often.  4 laps around the path will put you in at a little over a mile.  With the natural beauty of the place, it would be a piece of cake to do 3 miles and never even realize it.  I intend to find out.  A photo of it is shown below.

Many people have asked me over the past week or so how life was going for me in Valley Center.  Did I like it there?  Were my boxes all unpacked?  Had I met anyone yet?  Did I miss Hutch? And of course, the number one question to be asked, "Why on earth did you choose Valley Center?"  So to answer those questions.....  "yes", "almost", "15 people so far", "sometimes", and "hey, why not?"  And once again, my dear friends and family I want you to know that I am doing just need ever to worry about me :)

There is still much that lies ahead of me but I think I have a good start on everything.  I potted 12 geraniums for the front porch and deck and my friend Mike brought over the last of the outdoor furniture that he helped us store in his garage.  So Amy, Craig, Dennis and anyone else who wants to, the pretty colored chairs are now available for your sitting pleasure!  It really IS starting to look like home.  

Friends, even I don't have a real clue as to why I chose Valley Center but this I will hold on to for as long as I am alive and just has to be a "part of the plan."  I eagerly await what still lies ahead of me....I am more determined to stay than I would ever be afraid enough to leave.  Have a great Monday you guys!  A pretty decent day to be alive in this world.

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