Sunday, February 16, 2014

as day is done

The sun has set and the day is done.  Hard to imagine where all of the hours in this Sunday in mid-February have gone.  I guess the truth be known, the minutes and hours of each day that passes end up going to the same place, Life. 

Sometimes I grab my camera and head outdoors, especially as the sun sinks into the western sky over the Uncompahgre Range.  I look for pictures to take and sometimes I find ones that I like.  Taking photos was something I began doing almost immediately upon my arrival here last June.  It seemed to make me feel better, to forget about my homesickness, to stay busy until I found my own niche here.  It was a habit I got into and one that it would appear, I will not be able to get out of any time too soon.

I love to capture the sunset and the beautiful colors that God's palette has within it.  Sometimes I wonder if it is indeed what Heaven will look like when I make it there and if Heaven is even more wonderful than a Colorado sunset appears, then what a spectacular sight it will be.  The night time sky has engulfed this part of the world and the dark has fallen.  But just about a half-hour ago I found it, a most beautiful and stunning sunset sky.

When I was a little kid, I remember seeing the clouds at sunset, much like those shown above.  I recall asking my Grandmother if that was what Heaven was like.  She told me that she thought it was.  My Grandmother is there now and so when I get to where I am going in this life of mine, I'll find out if we were right.

At times I see flocks of Canadian geese that fly overhead as they head swiftly to their resting place for the night.  As the sun dips down below the horizon, they seem to sense the urgency to get to where they are going as quickly as possible.  They fascinate me for some strange reason and generally speaking I try to take their picture as they fly over head.  Most times I am much too slow to get their picture.  By the time I get my camera focused, they are already long gone while they taunt me with their loud honking all the way as they pass by.  Most times I don't get the chance to get their picture.  Tonight I caught a photo of them, miraculously it would seem to me. 

The first wave of geese that flew by on their way to their favorite resting spot for the night.  Dozens more followed them, hustling to find a safe place in the darkness of the evening.

Sometimes I look at the dark black sky that falls over us here along the "other side" of the big mountain and I think of you all, my dearest friends and family.  I miss seeing you as often as I used to, I sometimes long to hear your voices or meet you for a diet-coke at Bogey's along 17th Street in Hutchinson.  I think of my old students back in Hutchinson, hoping and praying that they are having a good year in school.  I remember our family way back there in Kansas and sometimes I find myself lost in memories of them, so much so that it seems as if we are right there with them at the supper table.  Last night I went out and took a photo of the beautiful moon that had arisen in the sky.  It was an awesome sight and I couldn't help but feel like Feivel the Mouse in the popular animated movie from the 1980's, An American Tale.  I gazed up at that far away orb in the sky and remembered in my heart that somewhere out there my friends and family members were looking at the very same moon that I was.  Somehow, that always gives me much peace and comfort.

The moon about 9:00 last evening here along the Western Slopes of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Day is done and night has fallen.  I am alive and most well here.  I give thanks to God above for watching over me this day.  I pray all to be well for you my friends.  Have a peaceful night's rest and the sweetest of dreams.  Life is good and I am grateful for the blessing of living it.

You just never know what life has in store for you.  As for me, I'm way more determined to find out what lies ahead than I would ever be afraid.

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