Monday, February 24, 2014

taking the time for a little reflection

Good morning dear friends and family from Montrose County, Colorado.  The weekend has passed and now it is the very early morning hours here.  Our 100-year old farmhouse is quiet and even Sally the dog is still nestled up in her bed.  Outside the sky is dark and as I gaze out along Highway 50 there's not a lot of traffic yet to be seen . There doesn't seem to be a lot of need for the general populace to be up and travelling before 5 a.m. these days.  I'm very partial to these early morning hours and the gift that they provide of peace and quiet.  Soon enough my day will be filled with sounds  aplenty.  I take this "before the sun comes up" time to think and reflect about my life.  Oh yeah, and to drink coffee. 

Having written this blog for well into 3 years now, from time to time I love to go back and reread some of the entries that I've made since I first started this in May of 2013.  I have to laugh at some of the things I've written and at times have remembered with a tear in my eye some of the not so fun things I have posted.  Repeatedly throughout my days of being a blogger, I've made mention of the fact that I write about whatever is on my mind.  Sometimes life is happy and going along smoothly yet during other times we travel roads that are pretty dang rocky and rough.  That is how life is and if we are blessed enough to live it, then we have to take the bad with the good. 

This morning I took a look at where I was in "time" a year ago or so today.  It brought back nice memories of a Kansas school teacher who was getting ready to make the most life changing decision she had ever made in life.  I had no idea of what would lie ahead for me but I had faith that all would be fine and you know what?  I still have that faith.

I'm reprinting that post from last year at this time if you would care so to read.  As for me, it's soon time to get ready for school and make the journey to a place that I have grown to love more each day, Olathe Elementary.  Today is our "pirate ship" party~more explanation on that later.  But it's 25 minutes of extra recess and a couple of slices of pizza for each of the "18".  Their hard work paid off for them. 

Weird how August and the first day of school doesn't seem that long ago.  In 3 months more we shall be done and all of a sudden, that makes me feel a little sad.  I think I just now had a "reflection" there friends.  I have told them, sometimes on a daily basis, not only how much they mean to me but also how much they should mean to one another.  My wish has always been for them to remember that and my prayer is that they do.  

Have a great day everyone and take care of yourselves and one another.

From a year ago, February of 2013   ~to everything there is a season, a time and a purpose
Greetings dear friends on a sunny Sunday afternoon from my part of the world, Kansas.  The "time and temperature" down town on Main Street is registering 49 degrees and probably a dang good thing that it is.  Those warm temperatures are helping to melt down a good part of the nearly 15 inches of snow we got just a few days back.  Just in time, by the way, as we anticipate blizzard like conditions to show up starting late this evening and into tomorrow night.  Depending upon which weather model you look at, we can see anywhere from 12 to 18 inches of more snow in the next day around our part of the "neighbourhood" and from drought stricken Kansas that continues to be good news.  Yes, it's a given that snow in such excessive amounts is a little tricky to get around in and a real mess to clean up, but in the least of things we give thanks for whatever moisture should be sent our way.  Don't know exactly what tomorrow will bring with the weather, but most folks around these parts are prepared for it and now, all we can do is wait to see.

I spent a big portion of the morning packing my car with some things that I will be taking on to Montrose at the end of the week.  Because the weather sounded so terrible for Monday and Tuesday, I took advantage of the warmer temperatures (and funny how the 40's all of a sudden sound so "tropical") to load up things that I wanted to get moved that I really can do without here at home.  During my visit 3 weeks ago, I took out the first load of books, dishes, and assorted odds and ends.  This trip out, all of the old crocks and bean pots that I have collected over the years are already neatly tucked inside the car with several other items stashed in around them.  The car is full and packed as tightly as I can safely make it and now, all I have to do is drive the 611 miles that lie between Mike's front door and mine.  Putting that into perspective for me is it's like saying I'm going to drive over to Haven and back a little over 25 times, give or take a time or two because of the mountains.  Not the easiest trip I ever took but also not the hardest either.  It's all in how you look at it my friends, all in how you look at it.

 You know I had the strangest "awakening" as I was packing things up and taking them to the car earlier today.  The realization began to set in that the "exodus" of those things from the house would leave some gaping holes inside and because I still will be living here until school is out, I wanted to rearrange some things inside so it wouldn't appear as bare.  It was easy to move the remaining things around to fill in the spaces that were once occupied by the items now stashed inside my car.  And guys, here's where the "awakening" part came to me~If I had enough stuff already inside the house to fill in the "gaps" where stuff had once been, then I could be wrong here, but I think that's a good sign that maybe I've held onto too much stuff to begin with.

The late-comedian George Carlin had a memorable stand-up routine on the subject of "stuff" and although laced with his "choicest of words" he still brings about a great point~People have way too much attachment to the things that they own, so much so that it can be more than overwhelming at times.  Friends, do you ever find that to be true of YOUR own stuff?  I know that I have, especially as of the last few months.  And it is with a huge sigh of relief that I know I am ready to begin "letting go" of it for the sake of having a much more peaceful and simple life.  When you hear it said that "less is best", well they really mean that.  The more you have (at least in my case) the more you want.

As I've gone through my personal belongings here at home, I've had to make decisions about which of "3" piles that each item will go in.  There's the "take me to Montrose" pile that holds things like my collections of crocks and old fashioned brown bean pots.  There's the "this can stay in Kansas" pile like the dining room table and chairs and living room sofa.  And finally, there's the infamous "over my dead body" pile with things like all of my old record albums, the 50-year old Easter egg, and my Grandmother Brown's handmade checker table from 100 years ago.  And along the way, sorting through papers and the "leftovers" from the last 20+ years of life, most of which can and SHOULD be trashed.  I kind of like the feeling of "travelling light"~probably could get pretty much used to it.  How about you?

Well, this afternoon is coming to a close and although the sun is still shining brightly above, those of us in this part of the country know that the winter storm warning that awaits us in a few hours is indeed a real thing.  Looking for huge amounts of snow and wind to come our way tonight and tomorrow and as best we can, most of us are prepared to wait it out until it should pass by us.  Although the moisture is desperately needed, the high winds and ice that will accompany this storm (now named Rocky) are not welcome visitors.  Praying of course to hang on to our power throughout the night and tomorrow and that everyone in our town and all the other affected areas will be safe, warm and INSIDE until the storm is over.  Take care of yourselves, all of you, and one another no matter where you may be tonight.  Winter cannot last forever, it only seems sometimes as if it will.  Taking the "bad" alongside the "good" is at times easier said than done~Hang in there together everyone, be safe and well.  Have a great Sunday evening friends!

My favourite piece of crockery~one of the first ones I wrapped and tucked into the corner of the car's trunk this morning.  My name was written here in Kansas when I was born.  It will always be a special place to have been raised up in.

Now my name is written here along the western slopes of the Colorado Rocky Mountains and it too will be a very special place for me to be.  And as the "good book" says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, " to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven".  With a grateful and happy heart and a much lightened spirit, I tell you that I have found mine.  I am at peace and I wish the same for all of you my dear friends.  If I told you a million times, it would never be enough~I love you all friends.

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