Saturday, July 5, 2014

~upon saying farewell to a friend~

Good morning everyone from Hutchinson, Kansas.  It's a place that I have called my "home" for a long, long time.  Mike and I came back here two evenings past now to get the very last of my belongings out and meet with folks interested in renting my little house on 14th Street.  Thankfully we have found someone who is happy to come here and make my old house their "new" home.  How grateful I am to have met the new folks that will be living here and equally thankful that I no longer have to worry such a very long distance about how things are going.  God provided as I knew He would.

It seems weird to be sitting in this very empty living room right now, sitting on the carpet propped against the south wall as I type these words to you. Furniture around here now consists of one thing, an air mattress that Mike bought in Wal Mart back in Montrose in order that we could still sleep here these last two nights.  It's ok.  But even in this vast sea of "furniture and belonging nothingness", one thing seems even stranger.  It's the realization that I really don't live here any more and when I come back to visit Hutchinson (and for the record I will)  I'm gonna be needing to look for someone who will let me stay with them for the night.  Now that's just plain strange :) 

This isn't meant to be a long blog-post and it really can't be.  There remains so much to do yet this day and if we are fortunate, then all shall be accomplished.  But before I pack this computer into its bag and begin to help get things organized in some sort of fashion, I need to say one thing.  And the one thing is this.  "Thank you." Plain and simple. 

I didn't get to this point in life without the help, love and support of a lot good people here in Reno County, Kansas.  Today I remember them, think of them, and thank them for being here for me.  I've had to make a lot of trips back and forth between south western Colorado and south central Kansas to get this all taken care off.  Surely I did a lot of driving as the odometer on my Honda Civic can most certainly attest to.  It made it and so did I.  For what you did for me and for my family here, no matter what the value that the world may have deemed  it to be, please accept my heartfelt thanks.

The sun has arisen here on the plains of Kansas, a signal that this day is to begin anew.  I hope to enjoy a few last minute fun things while we are here in Hutch and to see family and friends along the way this day.  Everything that has happened to me, the places that I have lived and the people that I have known, were all put in place because of their part of the "plan" for my life.  If I have met you, then there was a good reason for it.  It wasn't an accident or coincidence or anything else.  It was simply meant "to be".  I like that way of thinking, of believing.  As a matter of fact, I can't imagine any other way to look at life. 

This is Saturday, the 5th day of July in 2014.  It's a great day to be alive in and a great last day to spend here at home in Hutchinson, Kansas.  Destiny awaits and I'm off to find mine.  Perhaps I shall run across you today as you are looking for yours.  Love you guys.  Each of you.  All of you.

From so very long ago~
This was our mom and four of us kids standing along side with her.  She was getting ready to leave her home, THIS home, to enter long term nursing home care.  Mom had lived here in this house for over 25 years prior to this photo being taken.  It was such a sad time for her to have to leave but her health would no longer allow her to live alone.  She said her "good bye" to this house back in June of 2003.

From February of 2013~
The very first, last, and ONLY snowman I ever built in the front yard here!  I called her "Eleanore" and although I nearly froze as I was doing it, the "nine year old" that still is very much alive and well in me said "thank you!" 

From August of 2013~
My two sisters and I pausing a moment to take this photo.  That picture of my mom now sits atop the table at my new home along the Western Slopes of Colorado.  Who would have imagined?  Surely not me.

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