Thursday, October 19, 2017

~best be ready~

Today marks the end of the first nine weeks of school for this year.  I tried like crazy to get the days to slow down a bit but it was to no avail.  Time came.  Time went.  A week from today and the good Lord willing, I will find myself affixing the number 62 next to any form that asks me my age for the next year.  I never really saw how quickly it was all speeding by me, but after awhile it becomes inevitable as well.

Time comes.
Time goes.
Best be ready.

I get asked every once in a while by friends if I would have changed the way anything went for me in my life.  If I could go back in time, knowing what I know now about it all, would it make it a difference as to the way my life turned out to be?  The answer is this.

Probably not.

Here's how I look at it.  Everything that has happened to me since the morning of my birth in 1955, the good and the bad alike, has led me to the place where I am today.  I'd be lying if I said that my days have all been wonderful, because they have not.  I've had more bad times than I care to remember but the nice thing is the knowledge that the good days have far outweighed and outnumbered those that were not so good.  

I can live with that.
I sleep ok at night.

I have nothing really profound to say here, only that I am thankful to still be here.  If you are reading this blogpost then you are a part of that nearly 62 years of my being.  If I haven't told you lately, then consider yourself to be told this.  

Thank you for being my friend.  Where would I be without you?
In a world of hurt, that's where.
Take good care of yourselves, all of you.
I kind of like having you around!

I'm sure glad that I lived long enough to see my very first lighthouse!  I took out on my own back in 2012 to journey over 2,000 miles to the beautiful state of Maine.  It had been my lifelong dream to visit a place such as the one shown above, and I did it all by myself.

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