Saturday, May 26, 2012

No Greater Love

My car is filling up with an interesting "lot" of stuff to take as I make my way towards the great state of Maine, this Monday morning.  (by my calculations at this time, only 31 hours away)  And I'd say, "let me do the math for you", but the last time I did that on FB, I made a grievous error LOL that I had to fess up to.  So maybe we should just say, in less than 48 hours I'll be heading out the door.  

If I were just running to Oklahoma City and back, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't need the huge pile of stuff that has built up over the past 3 weeks.  But there IS a "method to Peggy Miller's madness" and I think it's ok to say that if it goes in my car that there will be a good chance I will surely need it along the way.

I've got maps, atlases, map quest directions and a new Magellan GPS to help guide me through some very new terrain and a healthy supply of bread crumbs to drop along the way so I won't get lost as I make my way back to Kansas in 9 days or so.  A box is filled with snacks and enough fixings to make myself a "light lunch" along the way.  Hey, I know that I am "cheap" :)  I figure with the breakfast offerings that most motels give these days, the only meal I will need to buy is supper each evening.  (and there is the "farm girl" in me....Our family always called the evening meal our "supper".  I borrowed a cooler from a friend and will fill it up with bottles of water and pop.  Now THERE is the Midwesterner in me.  I don't drink sodas, I drink pop!  :)  

I have packed 3 books for reading along the way to entertain me when I stop for the day.  "A Walk Across America" by Peter Jenkins,  Aron Ralston's "Between a Rock and a Hard Place", and "Lighthouses of America" by Al Mitchell.    Two of Max Lucado's devotional books are tucked inside the glove box of the car.  I've got about a bazillion quarters at the ready in the front of the car, having heard lots of interesting stories about how many rolls of quarters it takes to travel on the turnpikes back east.  

The books for the Coburn Free Library in Owego, NY are tucked into the back seat along with the "flat people" from Pat Lillard's second graders at Lincoln Elementary.  Cameras, batteries, phones, and way too much other "electronic" kind of stuff will be tucked into the trunk with 3 backpacks of clothing.  I think that should be enough :)  Ok, ok, ok...I probably won't even use half of it but if I need it and leave it back in Kansas, well that's a "turn-around" that I don't want to have to do.  

I will be "lightening" my load somewhere after I cross the Kansas-Missouri state line by Kansas City.  I have a floral offering, in remembrance of Memorial Day, for the unknown man who, at age 45, lost his life 2 years ago.  He was my "donor" of bone material to repair "Old Lefty" back in August.  He's the person that I honor with the tattoo I have on my right leg.  Since I do not know who he was and thus, would never find his grave, I have decided to place the flowers somewhere along the journey through Missouri as I travel east towards Maine.  I don't know where in Missouri I plan to leave the flowers nor do I think I WILL know until I see it.  But I know that God has a special place in mind for them to be and I'll get "the message" loud and clear when that time comes.  I plan to attach a note to them, explaining what happened to me and how a wonderful man from the great state of Missouri had the foresight and love for his fellow man in his heart, to give the ultimate gift at the time of his death.  In as much that I believe that God has a special place in mind for me to leave them, I believe as well that "the plan" will be in place for just the right person to find them.  And you know, I am positive that something right and good will happen because of it......

Getting ready to call it "a night".  Wishing you all a pleasant sleep and good dreams throughout.  Good night everyone!

From the "Good Book"-John 15:13
"No greater love hath a man than this, that he would lay down his life for a friend."

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