Tuesday, July 16, 2013

~on the subject of angels~

Good morning dear friends and family from out here along the western slopes of Colorado.  The sky is very beautiful this morning and what few clouds can be seen are the very light ones, you know the kind that look like someone took cotton candy and pulled it as far apart as they could without tearing into two pieces.  The air is cool, so much so that a person nearly needed to pull a light blanket up over them while they slept in their bed.  The wind socks are just hanging out there in the yard with not a breeze to push them anywhere.  Even the old cottonwood is standing silent, kind of unusual for it as well.  All along Highway 50, the cars, motorcycles, semis and recreational vehicles move along.  Some go east and some go west, all of them heading somewhere out there.

I wasn't going to write for a while in this blog, thought about giving it a bit of a rest until next week or so.  But as usual, even the best laid plans sometimes go awry and here I am pounding away on this keyboard.  A year or so ago, I wrote a blog post about something scary that happened to me while I was riding my bike and how I was sure that angels from out of nowhere arrived just in time to help me.  I believed it that day last summer and I still believe it today.  I have been the recipient of the aid of angels many times in this life and actually just this past weekend I witnessed the same.  I wasn't going to say anything about it, especially on Facebook.  But I changed my mind this morning and hope that if I tell my story it can save other people from finding themselves in a similar situation.

Last weekend, I went with Mike up to Gunnison where he had some work to do at a couple of stores.  I thought that I'd just wait for him in the car and read while he was busy inside.  Mike parked the car at the end of a row, one that we actually had all to ourselves.  Not another car was in sight as Mike pulled up and parked under a nice shade tree.  He left the key in the ignition and I locked the doors as he walked away.  It was warm outside and I knew that if I didn't leave the window down on my side that it would get pretty uncomfortable.  I opened up my book, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place", and began to read.

It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes that he was gone when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man walking up to where I was sitting in the car.  Immediately, I got what is commonly called the "uh-oh" feeling.  You know, the kind of feeling you get when your gut says "this isn't quite right".  Before he got any closer, I reached over quickly and put the window up, checking to be sure that the doors were locked.  It seemed like a long time that he stood there next to the car watching me and also watching a crowd of people just a few yards away.  He sat down on the ground next to the front of the car and began to smoke a cigarette, all the while looking around first at me and then at the others.  I knew that I should get out of there and so I scooted across the seat and started up the car, driving away as soon as I could do so.  Now that man, I don't know what his intentions really were.  Except for scaring the daylights out of me, I guess you'd say he did nothing wrong.  But all you have to do is let your imagination get going and the real truth is, it might not have had such a happy ending.  I had no business sitting in a car like that, alone in a parking lot...broad daylight or not.  I was oblivious to my surroundings and way more intrigued by the words of Aron Ralston than I was to my own personal safety.  That won't happen again~Angels have saved me before and they may well have saved me this past weekend.  If you can take a lesson away from that story, please do.  I'm glad that I shared it with you~hard to admit that a person could be so careless as I was that afternoon.

Reprinting the blog post from nearly one year ago today on the subject of angels.  I hope that everyone is well out there and safe from harm and danger. I think of you all and I miss you when we don't get to see one another very much.  I will always pray God's blessings upon each of you as we go about this thing we so fondly call "life".  Have a great Tuesday out there~it's the 16th of July, 2013 and I woke up this morning and if you are reading this, then so did you.  There has got to be a good reason for that, you know?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just in case you don't believe in angels....

You know I waited for a "couple of three days" to write this blog entry~didn't want anyone to get all excited or anything.  But I kind of/sort of had a proverbial "close call" on my bike ride last Saturday morning.  It was an attention getter, to be sure and as near as I have come since last August 4th to wrecking my bike.  And by the way, lest you think I was attempting some type of "Evil Kneivel" stunt again....put your mind at ease.  That was not the case nor, God willing, will it EVER be again.  I was riding safely, helmet atop my head down the quiet (although maybe I should say NOT so quiet) streets near my school, Lincoln Elementary.

I had left very early that morning in order to beat the unrelenting heat of our Kansas summer time weather.  By 6 a.m., I was out the door and well on my way to the path that I have set out for my daily 10 mile ride.  Ok, I guess you can say I'm predictable.  I know, from many times of riding it, that on even an "average" riding day I can make it to the South Hutch McDonald's and back home again in well under 45 minutes. Saturday was no exception.  

As I turned to head back north again and to my home in the middle part of town, it felt good to be back on my bike.  Ever since my accident last August and the 9 months I spent recuperating from "old lefty's" broken arm, I have been determined to return to biking, a pastime that I truly find enjoyable.  The nice little south breeze blew me back towards E. 14th Street again.  

As I came over the Frank Hart Crossing, the bridge that connects the two cities of South Hutchinson and Hutchinson, I took a slight detour off the usual route.  I was close to my school and thought I'd just ride by to see if any of the kids were out playing on the playground.  The decision to do so, provided the impetus needed for my "close call".  Little did I know what was about to happen as  I rode my bike back home.

At the corner of Maple and East Avenue F Streets it happened.  From out of ABSOLUTELY  NOWHERE a huge black Rottweiler dog came charging at me from behind.  I had not seen him until that absolute split second.  He was big, strong, powerful and VERY fast.  And it took me about one second to figure out that he wasn't racing after me because he missed seeing me on the playground for noon recess duty.  THAT dog was aggressively coming after me, snarling and growling all the way.  It was not a good moment in time, believe me.

Now I've been chased by dogs before, mostly on the bike trail and country roads.  For the most part, harmless incidents where a dog just wants the rider to know that they are getting awfully close to the dog's territory.  The dog, whatever kind it might be~big or little~would chase me for a few yards and then go back home.  I can handle that, it's part of the "hazard" of riding bikes.  But THIS time, THIS dog, was different.  I have never been so frightened of an animal in my life.  

For what felt like an hour, but in retrospect was only maybe 30 seconds, that stupid dog (and I'm REALLY cleaning up my language here as I describe it~I'm trying to work hard on that character defect of mine) kept up with me and successfully stayed by my left leg, within striking distance of my left calve.  With a voice that I only find in situations like this, I yelled at it to get back, go home.  It was all to no avail because that dog was determined that he and I were going to have a discussion and it was gonna be very soon.

And so that's where the angel part comes in and even if you don't happen to believe in them (and that's ok), I do so believe.  Equally out of nowhere, in my bike's mirror I saw an older model van coming up from behind.  And what they ended up doing, I am positive saved me from getting hurt very badly once again. At first I thought the dog must have belonged to the people in the van.  Then I realized that wasn't the case.

 The driver rolled their window down, yelled at the dog and even opened up their doors to try to get its attention away from me.  And it worked!  I started pedaling even faster than I was until I was sure that I had gotten a safe enough distance away.  I looked back to see the dog running off towards the south again and the van turning the opposite direction and leaving the scene.  They came up behind me and gave me a "thumbs up" in the mirror as they passed.  I never got the chance to say thank you to them, but the smile and relieved look on my face must have told them that I was grateful.  

When I got home, I parked my bike on the porch and sat down on the front steps and thought about what had just occurred.  How many times in my life have things like that happened to me?  How many times have they happened to you or someone you loved?  Ok, here's the "Peggy Miller" version of angels.  I've been rescued, so very many times in this life of mine, from a lot of heartache, worry, hurt, and concern by angels.  My belief is this~that van driver was an angel, put in the right place and the right time to save my "sorry behind".  God knew exactly what to do, as always.  With a grateful heart, I do so give thanks.  

As I sat on the porch steps I realized just how close I came to being hurt once again.  When that animal was chasing me, I was not even aware of whether or not cars were coming at me or if  there were stop signs or traffic lights in the immediate area.  It was me and that dog-NOTHING more.  And the closer you get to finding out what it is like to being bitten by a dog, the less you are aware of your surroundings and just how fast you are pedaling on two wheels.

I went back later on to see if I could figure out which yard he might have been from.  After a couple of passes through that area, I gave up hoping to find him.  A call to "animal control" was made just to report the incident but nothing else could be done.  I'm a lover of animals~growing up as a Kansas farm girl I was used to dogs of all kinds being around.  But friends, I gotta say this~that dog had better hope that he and I don't cross paths again.  Because the next time I will be in a car, not on a bike.  This is a good time for me to say "thank you" very much to all of the responsible dog/cat owners out there.  Thank you all for making sure that your animals are contained in the yard and aren't allowed to roam at will.  I appreciate the fact that they are your beloved pets...hey we ALL need them. That's all I want to say~feel free to "read in" to the rest of the message.  

Getting ready to start the day now, sun is thinking about rising.  I'm heading out on the bike soon but probably won't be taking any detours today, LOL.  For every single time in my nearly 57 years of being that an angel, one on Earth or one from Heaven above, has come to rescue me~Lord I give thanks.  May the same be for you all, my dearest of friends, this good Tuesday morning.  

I am EVER more determined to keep riding my bike than I would ever be afraid of a Rottweiler.  I think I'm gonna like today, Tuesday the 24th of July, 2012...one of the greatest of days to be alive!

                                          August of 2011~ "Been there, done that." 
                                                  NEVER going back again!

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