Thursday, May 8, 2014

~as things should turn out "OK"~

Last summer, in the midst of a lot of tears and waves of homesickness for life back in Kansas, one of my dear teacher friends from back in Hutch sent me a reminder on Facebook that gave me much peace and comfort.  I happened upon it in my computer's photo file last evening and with a smile on my face I realized just how far I had come in the long road over the big mountain and to the other side of a new life here. 

I remember showing it to Mike that evening in late July and he agreed totally with the sentiments that were splayed upon the image.  No matter what, we'd get to that point some time.  Baby steps, baby steps.  And you know what?  I made it.

I'm a worrier, a fretter, a person who likes to "second guess" things over and over.  I truly wish I wasn't that way all of the time, but the truth is that I always have been and perhaps shall always be.  It hasn't done me a whole lot of good in this life, this worrying stuff, but I guess it has taught me a lesson or two from time to time.  How about it?  Are you one of "us"? :)  If so, please take heart in the message above.  When you stop and think about it, the words are about as truthful as it gets. 

Lots of things have changed for the "good" here in Colorado for me and now closing in on the last days of my first year here along the Western Slopes, I realize just how many things did indeed turn out "OK".  My once heartbroken spirit, longing for the flatlands of the Midwest, found out that it was all right to be in love with life in two states.  The fear that I would not find a teaching position here was erased with the opportunity and blessing of joining the good folks up the road a ways at Olathe Elementary.  The initial thought that my only friends here would be the wildlife that paraded through the alfalfa fields and our front yard was only short-lived.  When I started allowing myself to make friends in this strange land, I found there were lots of good people who were willing to extend the hand of friendship to me.  And as Mike and I kinda/sorta joked about the other day as we were walking one evening, it's amazing to know that we will soon have made it to May 21st and our anniversary day of marriage.  There were times that I wasn't sure that would happen, I would be the first to acknowledge.  And in all of these things, as the "Good Book" would say .....

"Oh ye of little faith..."

Last night before darkness fell upon the earth here in south western Colorado, Mike and I went to our garden area and put in a very long row of green beans.  I love them and back in Kansas I would always plant enough to can at least 48 quarts of them each year for use in the cold days of winter that were soon to follow the end of summer's growing season.  Once in the ground, we covered them with some of this wonderful Colorado clay-filled soil and watered them down with the sincere hopes they would grow and produce a bounty of Blue Lake green beans.  Time will tell.  The 17 tomato and pepper plants that we put into the ground a few days ago are still standing, still alive miraculously :)  It's nice to have the faith this year that a garden can grow here at our house.  Not having faith last summer ended up robbing me of the enjoyment of one of my all time favorite pastimes, playing in the dirt.  This year I have wisely decided to not allow that anxiousness that I've held onto throughout my life, in Kansas and in Colorado, take over me.  And hey, if I can allow myself to grow a garden then what other good things might be waiting for me to be brave enough to try them?

What ever awaits you this day my friends, may you meet up with it in peace.  Remember what the message says to us all, that in the end it usually always turns out "OK".  When you stop to consider it, it's actually kind of strange to realize that just two letters, the lowly "O" and the humble  "K" when put side by side can relay a very powerful message of hope.  You know,  I like that word.  Have a great day friends and family.  Thinking of you all this day.

I was kind of worried that I wouldn't be able to drive by myself to Maine and see my first lighthouse two years back.  But I made it and it all turned out to be "OK".

I was surely afraid that I would never be able to pick up a snake without being bitten but my good friend Kyle down in Oklahoma City showed me a summer or so ago that I COULD and everything would be "OK".

I definitely worried that the weather up on Monarch Pass would prohibit me from making it back to Kansas to join my former classmates for our 40th reunion this past October.  Silly girl!  It didn't and the trip turned out to be "OK".

In just a few days more, we shall see one year.  It all turned out "OK". 

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