Friday, May 23, 2014

~upon return~

Greetings everyone from the Midwest and the great state of Kansas~

I'm here for the next week as I finish up things in Hutchinson and visit my family and friends before returning to Montrose at the end of the week upcoming.  The 611 miles that it took to get here this time for some reason seemed like 1,611 instead.  Perhaps that is because I've made the journey more than I ever imagined that I would.  God is good and the trip was without incident.  I give thanks for that, always.  You know, we seem to take for granted those vehicles that all of us drive around in.  That there will never be a flat tire, an empty gas tank, a dead battery, or any other of a thousand assorted problems that some drivers encounter on even the shortest of trips, let alone one like I have made. 

Today I am making the journey over to the cemeteries and decorate the graves of my family members who are buried in the Kansas soil near the Harvey County town of Halstead.  My mother and father, brother and sister, niece and cousins, and grandparents all lie at rest there.  I promised my mom long ago that I would continue on with our tradition of making sure that each person was not forgotten in death and so far, I've been able to do that.  It's a good thing, a right thing, an honorable thing to remember the dead.  I plan to also visit the tiny Quaker cemetery where my earthly remains shall go when my time here is done.  My great-great grandmother, Rebecca Burch, will be my "next door neighbor" and I am thankful to the very good friend I have who encouraged me to not scatter my cremains to the wind underneath some old Kansas Cottonwood tree but rather to have them lain all in one place.  It's a peaceful cemetery and the view is pretty spectacular, as far this Kansas farm girl is concerned.  All around it are wheat fields and old country roads and the home that I spent the first 8 years of my life in is just down the road a ways. 

I woke up this morning and am still alive and well.  There is a reason for me to be here, a purpose in my very existence and if you are reading this then there is a reason for you to be here too.  We see our destiny each day and sometimes the road takes some strange twists and turns, but one foot in front of the other, we just keep plodding on.  Be safe on the journey everyone and be a peace with your lives.  Have I told you how much you mean to me?  Do you know how much I care about each of you?  If not, please consider it done.  You are the best of family and friends that I would ever have asked for.  We may be far apart in miles at times and mountain ranges may now separate us but in my heart you are as close as ever.  Full as my heart is, there is plenty of room inside of it yet.  It is where you are and when I leave to return I intend to take those nice memories of you all back with me.

A few weeks back I said that I was making a new bucket list to begin working on, one that will help me to learn more about my new state of Colorado.  I finally came up with a list that works for me.  Just as soon as I return there, I plan to begin accomplishing some of them.  It feels nice to have a "bucket list" focus once again.  Rather than the 10 item list that I have used before, I narrowed it down to a list of 5 things and shoot, when I get those done I can add more to take their place.  So here it is.......  "Peggy's Bucket List of 2014, version 1"~

1.  To ride my bike once again~I have an overall goal of riding 500 miles by summer's end.  It seems like a small amount compared to what I used to do in Kansas but you have to start somewhere and since I got a little on the lazy side last summer, it may take a while for me to make it.  But I'm going to try.

2.  To visit the memorial near Silver Plume, Colorado where the plane crashed carrying members of the WSU football team back in 1970.  It's a hike to get there but I believe I can make it.  That October day will always be remembered by me and it would be a privilege to be able to see the memorial alongside I-70 where the plane went down. 

3.  To choose 3 sights of interest to see in Colorado and visit them before school starts in the fall.  I'm not sure what they will be but I have been reading up on all of the things that are within a day's drive from our home in south western Colorado, including the Arches over the line in Utah.  Mike is always up to going to do things like that so I will surely have a willing traveling companion :)

4.  To do what I have admonished my students to do over the summer~read a book, or two, or even three.  Even though the summer months are going to be a very busy time for me, there is no reason why I cannot set aside twenty minutes each day to enjoy a great piece of literature.  What's good for children is equally good for adults.  Be ready for my "book report", ok?  :)

5.  To continue to meet as many of my Facebook friends as I can, buy them something to drink and visit about life for a while.  This has been an ongoing thing for me, for many months now.  For those that live so far away from Colorado OR Kansas, it might take a while.  But I'm not giving up the "try".  If I call you "friend", well then I really mean it.  You ARE my friend and I am thankful each and every day for that.

Coming out here to Kansas yesterday, I heard a song on the radio that I hadn't heard for a very long time.  It's a John Denver one called "Poems, Prayers, and Promises".  I loved the words, especially these.....  so for you my friends, may your day be a good one.

"And talk of poems, and prayers, and promises and things that we believe in.
How sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care.  How long it's been since yesterday and what about tomorrow?  What about our dreams and all the memories we share?"
(the words of the late John Denver)

Last summer, exploring the top of the Grand Mesa and stepping into leftover snow in a warm June day in Colorado.

The view from the top~Rex McMurray's topographical map of the world.  High atop the Mesa.

John Denver's "Rocky Mountain High"~now right outside of my window each day.

My childhood home in Haven.  I used to live in Kansas, now I live in Colorado.  I am the same person and that will never change.

My "secret" overall ambition for the summer is to beat Mike Renfro in a game of bowling and never have to use the dinosaur helper to do it. 

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