Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Where in the world would ANY of us be without the help of our family and friends?  Folks, you know how this goes--life's road takes some pretty crazy turns and you find yourself on the scariest roller coaster ride you've ever been on!  And just when you are sure to crash and burn, out of the blue, someone shows up to give you their hand, JUST WHEN YOU NEED THEM THE MOST.  And it has happened to all of us, in one way or another--at one time or another.  Only a fool would try to pretend that they have plodded along the pathway of life totally on their own.

It may have been the neighbor who saw how you were struggling in your quest to put in a new lawn on a 104 degree Kansas day and offered to lend a hand.  Or maybe it was the teacher who saw that you were having trouble staying awake in class, who then visited with you to learn if there was anything they could do to help you.  Was it your best friend in the whole wide world who called you and said "Let's go have lunch today"when they realized that you needed someone to talk to?  Oh, and here is my own personal favorite-how about that guy behind you in the Dillon's check out line...you know, the guy who saw you were $10.00 short of what you needed for your cart full of groceries and ended up paying it for you?  You couldn't believe that someone, dang a total stranger even, could be so kind!  And life's examples of the spirit of human kindness could go on and on and on.

For me, at 4 weeks out from my accident with another four weeks to go, I find myself at the  "halfway back to home" point.  Believe me when I say that for darn sure it was NOT a solo effort on my part. Many people have stood ready and more than willing to take on my load.

 My 3 kids have been my cheerleaders, encouraging their mom to not give up!  My middle-son, Grahame, has been my "left AND right" arm for the past 4 weeks without any hesitation.  My co-workers at school have performed all of the tasks of dressing that require two hands and if I had to count all the times that Lori Johnson tied my bows, well I'd have lost count a long time ago.  My sister has done the laundry, my friend Dustin washed my truck, and two of my youngest friends on FB came over one Saturday and cleaned house as if there was no tomorrow.  The list of very good friends and family who have come to the aid of this former "Evil Knieval wannabe" goes on forever.  But there is one friend I want to say something about....

Most of you know that I received a "donor bone" during surgery.  You may also remember that even though I don't know who gave the bone to me, just yet, that I have a strong feeling the name "Eleanor" has something to do with their identity.  I guess time will tell with that one.  But whoever they are, whether or not the name Eleanor has ANYTHING to do with them, I have not forgotten for one second what their "gift in death" has meant to me, SOMEONE WHO DESPERATELY NEEDED THEIR UNSELFISH OFFERING OF LIFE.  

As the last 4 weeks of "my sentence" wind down, I'm getting a little anxious, at times a little cranky, and just wishing this was the heck over and it was 6 a.m. and I was on the bike path riding along as if nothing had happened.  I continue to pray for God's guidance, for patience and healing in order that this 4-week trek wasn't for naught.  May peace be my journey and yours as well this night.  Pleasant and sweet dreams to all of you!

Me with "Eleanor"-whoever you were indeed!  We'll be heading down life's "bicycle paths" together from now on!  And guess what--we seem to be a perfect match~  :)

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