Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Friends, I will remember you~Part 7

Good evening everyone from out here on the once again "frigid" plains of Kansas.  As a life-long resident of this state, I've heard the saying "If you don't like the weather here, just wait a minute because it will change",  many times before.  But even I have to admit this is a little bit on the ridiculous side.  Yesterday on the bike path at about 5 p.m. I was riding my bike in beautiful 70 degree weather.  Two hours later I was at the Kwik Shop freezing my fingers off as I pumped gas into my car in 40 degree north west winds.  One thing about it, when spring finally DOES arrive for the good it will probably feel like summertime.  We've gotten some very needed moisture from it and so in the very least of these things, we all better be giving thanks.  

Hey, I do have a question for you.  How many times during the course of a normal, regular old day, have you been encouraged by the friends around you?  You know, it's that kind of encouragement that comes in the form of a smile, a friendly email, an unexpected visit from someone who really cares about you.  Yesterday as I carried dead baby quail number 6 to the dumpster for its disposal, I passed a colleague of mine at school in the hallway. She knew exactly what I was doing without me even saying anything.  I'm pretty sure the look on my face was not a happy one and to be right honest, I was pretty discouraged.  I wasn't sure the remaining 54 of them would make it to the end of the day at that time.  But my cohort,  my dear friend took one look at me and put out her hand to take the  parcel from my hand and proceeded to go to the dumpster for me.  She said with a smile, "Hey give it to me.  I've got it from here" and off she went.  Her simple act of kindness and compassion reminded me of just what good friends do for one another.  My spirit was lifted~I've been blessed so many times by friends and here are 10 more reasons to give thanks~

Dennis Ulrey and Peggy Seck-
Both of these dear friends from the "land of long ago and far, far away" mean a lot to me.  We were all kids, growing up together in the small south central Kansas town of Haven.  We represented the classes of 1971, 1972, and 1973 and we were friends.  Back when we were younger, the 3 of us had no idea that we'd be posing for a picture such of this nearly 40 years into the future.  But as would be a part of "the plan", here we are on a Sunday in April of 2011, having just finished listening to "Pastor" Dennis Ulrey preach the "word" to his congregation.  I am so glad that I was able to reconnect with both of these good people through the medium of Facebook.  Between all of us, we have plenty of stories to share about the "good old days".  It was great just a week ago Sunday to return to Manhattan Baptist Church for Sunday services once again.  Proud of both of these friends for what they have done with their lives.  Glad to call them "friends".
(April of 2011, Manhattan Baptist Church, Manhattan, KS)

Jodi Mitzner-mom of my dear friend Darin, a former member with me in the "broken arm club"
You know, it's just weird how things happen in this life.  How one event in time can lead to additional chains of events that seem to fall into place at just the opportune moment.  Such was the case when I met this young woman in 2011.  Jodi's mom, Brenda, is the secretary at our school, Lincoln Elementary.  I was in the early weeks of sporting a long-arm cast back in the time of my bike accident.  Brenda was telling me one day that her grandson named Darin had unfortunately broken an arm just like I had and was in the same predicament that I now was.  Well, one thing led to another and before I knew it one morning, this young mom and a little boy with his arm in a sling came to visit me in my classroom.  Darin was bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers and at the first time of our meeting one another, we became fast friends.  I'm not sure that I would have ever met Jodi, except for one unfortunate decision on my part that August morning.  But from the bad came a lot of good, and knowing this beautiful woman and her wonderful family has proven to be part of the very "good".  When Mike and I are married in May, it will be young Darin who tucks our wedding rings into his pocket for safekeeping until needed.  Thanks Jodi for being my friend~glad that we met, even if it wasn't under the best of life's circumstances.  

Katrina Wiard Stussy~
Once again, I have to say that you just never know where life will lead you or what people you will meet in the years ahead of you.  When I was a little girl sitting in Irene Thompson's second grade classroom at Burrton Elementary, Katrina's Uncle Bill was one of my classmates.  Fast forward about 3 and a half decades, and now Katrina is my friend on Facebook and in real life as well.  What a nice young woman she is and I'd have to say that if you are looking for a "real friend" then Katrina is a good one to remind you of what that is like.  Thanks for befriending me Katrina :)
(October of 2011, Haven, KS)

Annette Bell, Joyce Herrell, Kalisha Gingerich, Sara Brubaker-the wonderful staff at It's All About You Salon
This quartet of ladies has done a remarkable job at their salon in South Hutchinson of taking care of the needs of so many people, and I am one of those fortunate ones. I will never consider myself much of a high-maintenance type woman but I'm telling you for sure that if I want to get my hair done, that nice girl standing just behind me and to the left is the one that I'm going to trust to do the job right.  Annette, on the far left, is another wonderful stylist there and my good friend Sara, on the far right, is a fantastic nail technician and the salon's owner.  Sara's mom Joyce recently retired from the salon but when I came to tan there in the years past, she was the one who always greeted me with a friendly "hello" and NO you cannot stay in there more than 15 minutes :)  These ladies are the best~not sure what I'll do without them when I move to Colorado.  Will miss their friendly smiles and warm welcome that they have always extended to me each time I came to visit.  Thanks ladies for everything!
(July of 2011, South Hutchinson, KS)

And last, but certainly not least~my dear friends Anne and LeRoy Willis
So much of my life has been realized as a part of "the plan" in store for me long before I even made my entrance on this planet.  I met this wonderful couple a few years back when I took care of Anne's mom, Winifred, at the Wheaton House in South Hutchinson.  LeRoy and Anne befriended all of us there who took care of ten very precious elders and actually we all kind of became like one very big extended family.  Back when "old lefty" was hurt and I was making the decision to put my bike on an indoor trainer, it was the Willis's who took it upon themselves to locate one for me near Colorado Springs.  They bought it and hauled it back to south central Kansas on their way back home to Sedgwick County from their travels to the south west.  Even though we don't see one another near as often as before these days, they remain dear friends to me.  I'm so thankful to be able to catch up on their great adventures as they travel all over their place in their retirement years.  Hoping I grow up to be just like them.  Thankful to LeRoy for being willing to "give me away" in just a few short weeks.  It's a privilege to call you both "friends" of mine.  (September of 2011, Sedgwick County, KS)

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