Saturday, January 21, 2012

Before I should die....

I've spent some time in the past few days trying to decide what should have a spot on the 8th version of the "Miller Bucket List".  But before I tell you what actually made the "cut", let me tell you what doesn't even stand a "snowball's chance".....EVER!

There's absolutely NO way that I would even consider picking up a matter what the size. (My apologies in advance to my FB friend, Kyle Duncan of Oklahoma City who received not only HIS love for reptiles, but MINE as well!) 

You will never find me making friends on a "first name basis" with a rodent of any kind, thus the stockholders of the "Victor-Easy Set" Mousetrap Company can rest assured that their stock price shall hold steady as long as "Peggy Miller" is around. 

Although I still want to power parachute once more before I die, I'd have to have a "death wish" to jump out of a plane and sky dive! After watching the movie "The Bucket List" about a gazillion times, I was cured of any foolish notion ever held by me that bailing out of a plane with a tiny back pack strapped on would ever be a sane thing to do.  

I have absolutely NO desire to meet anyone "famous" and until my last breath is taken~olives, milk, and raisins will NEVER be considered part of a fun activity for me.   But other than THAT, I'm pretty flexible.

When you stop to consider it, the very act of daring to make a bucket list might be considered to be pretty presumptuous on my part.  When the first one was drawn up well over a year ago now, what on earth led me to even dream of believing on January 21, 2012 that I'd be here to consider the 8th version?

Even though the events of the last 6 months have opened my "perpetually shut" eyes to the fact of just how fleeting this thing called "life" can be, I still get up every morning, head out the door and into the world always under the assumption that I'll make it back home at the end of the day.  In shame, I fully admit how quickly I forget about life's fragility and  how fast I am to take it all for granted.  Friends, do you ever find yourself "there" as well?  

By God's grace, through His "way smarter plan" for my life, I'm still here today.  I've gone on the BAK, ridden on the back of a motorcycle at 120 mph, seen the most beautiful sunrise/sunset EVER, reconnected with Facebook friends and family members, gotten into the pool to learn how to swim, and so much more.  If I never got to do anything else on a "bucket list", I shall always remember being blessed by the opportunity to do those things heretofore mentioned.  For that knowledge I rejoice and give thanks.

Most of my previous bucket lists have had 10 things on them, mostly because I always wanted to have one ready for the time that another was completed.  This time, I've decided to only keep 6 on my list but there are plenty of others in mind, just waiting for the time when the 6th one is completed.  So here goes nothing, "Miller Bucket List" #8!"

1.  To return to swimming lessons in order that I might learn to swim well enough to save my own life one day.  (February)

2.  To FINALLY learn how to sew something for the very first time.  (March)

3.  To bid on and BUY a quilt at the Mennonite Central Committee Benefit Auction at the Ks. State Fairgrounds here in Hutchinson.  (April)

4.  To meet all of my Facebook friends in person, buy them something to drink, and talk about life for awhile as well as to continue on in my quest to learn how to "travel lighter." (May)

5.  To travel to Maine from my home here in south central Kansas and see the Portland Head lighthouse.  (June)

6.  To NEVER let my bucket go empty, remembering my dear friend's advice, because you cannot kick a full bucket!  

Several friends have now begun dreaming up their own "bucket lists" and that makes me feel so glad for them.  They are trying some things that I think are "crazy"  LOL, LOL but one of them was so very quick to remind me that several of mine have been equally insane.....Do ya think?  Whatever you choose, no matter what anyone else thinks of it, just get out and do it!  You will NEVER regret making the decision to try something you have always wanted to but you WILL REGRET it if you don't.  And friends, it doesn't have to cost a  fortune in fact some of the best things only cost a little bit of your time.  Have a good Saturday friends!

The most rewarding thing that I've ever crossed off of my bucket list.  If I could have done nothing more, then this would have been more than enough.  I saw the most beautiful sunrise in the world on Saturday, July 16th, 2011 on Eales Road just south of Hutchinson, Kansas.  Even if I should grow older and become more forgetful than I already am, I will NEVER forget the morning that the sun arose in just such a manner as this!

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