Sunday, January 15, 2012

The real REST of the story~Sometimes you gotta change-part 2

Many people have asked me during the past several months why it is that I write this blog.  I've always tried to be honest and in doing so I say that the blog is a form of "therapy" for me~a way to combat stress and fight depression without popping a pill or pouring a glass of "liquid courage".  So far it seems to work out pretty good for me.  When I have something on my mind (guess that happens pretty much daily LOL) I just sit down at the computer and begin to write.  If I am writing about something meaningful to me, the words really do just come from the heart.  In no time at all, I'm done and always feel better for having said it.  But other times, the process is much more difficult.  This evening is a good example of that.

The post prior to this one (Sometimes you gotta change) was true.  I did have a great afternoon at Dillon Nature Center walking the 3-mile trail.  But friends that wasn't the only trail I walked today and my experience on THAT one could not be referred to in the LEAST as fun.  And for whatever reason (probably a stupid one) I wasn't even going to admit that it happened.  But if this blog is truly a form of therapeutic medicine for me then I need to tell the rest of the story.

The photos below show me on "The Jim Martinez Trail" here in Hutch.  They were taken on the night before I left for the "Bike Across Kansas" in early June.  I was so happy and feeling about as healthy and strong as I had EVER been in my 55-year old life.  Just look at "old-lefty"-as fine as "frog's hair".  What great memories these pictures hold for me.

At the Rice Park trail head, where I generally put in each time.  Guess I must have loved to wear that shirt when I rode.  It's the one the ER nurses had to cut off of me after my accident :(

My FAVORITE part of the path!  With a good and steady south tailwind, I could always fly down that hill at 20 mph, and if I could stand up on the pedals I could even squeeze 23 mph out of it.  Ahh, for the "good-old" days.

The last day I rode this path was the day that I crashed and I've avoided it like "the plague" for the past 5 and a half months.  It had always been such a happy place for me filled with great times!  Heck, right before leaving on the BAK, I had even made my "peace" with my old nemesis, "the railroad trestle".  Its part in my 2001 bike accident that broke most of my left ribs was forgiven.  All was well.

Today my plan didn't involve Dillon Nature Center at all, rather I had intended to hike the 6 miles from the Rice Park trail head to the Carey Park trail head and back.  Uhm, that didn't work out so good.  Instead of going all 6 miles, I struggled to finish 1 mile. 

From the minute I stepped out of my truck, threw on my backpack, and grabbed Grahame's walking pole, I had a sinking feeling in my heart.  It wasn't right--I'd been on the trail literally hundreds of times in life, but ALWAYS as a cyclist!  I didn't walk this trail, I RODE it! Walkers and hikers were the people I "smuggly" loved to pass, flying by them as if they were standing still!

"ON YOUR LEFT!" I would always yell, hoping they could hear me above the din of the music of their MP3 player.  Now I was one of THEM, and for a brief moment in time, I HATED IT.

I made my way to the starting of the path, the trail head shown in the photo above.  Only THIS time there was no 55-year old woman grinning as she stood by the marker with her bike.  No, this time there was just a woman, left arm safely tucked inside a "powder blue" cast, taking a photo of a place that used to be.  I felt like I could cry, but I didn't.  

Save for only one other walker, there was no one else on the path.  I kind of believe God intended for it to be.  I had lots of time to think in the mile that lay ahead.  My friends, my feelings ran the gamut from, "This sucks." to "I wish it would have NEVER happened."  At the 11th St. bridge turn around, I did just that-TURNED AROUND- and headed back to the truck. I couldn't go any farther and I didn't.  I wasn't just defeated, I got a trouncing.  The path won this time.

Weird, I remember saying aloud "I'd rather ride 20 miles straight into the strongest headwind EVER than to walk one measly mile on THIS trail."  And friends, THAT'S where the really amazing blessing of this weekend really happened.  I realize now that there may be just a little more cycling left in me than I thought and tomorrow when I see Dr. Chan I'll ask his good advice on whether not "old-lefty" can take 10 mile bike rides or not.  And as always, because I trust him with my life and well-being, I'm going to let him "call" this one!

And by the way, that Jim Martinez Bike Path?  I'll be back, but NOT on two feet!  Thank you for reading this and lending a listening ear.  I'll just say it~YOU GUYS ARE THE VERY BEST THERAPISTS I'VE EVER BEEN TO!  :)  Good night friends-I feel better already!

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