Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Trading daylight for dark

First off a comment by one of my 3rd graders at school yesterday, upon seeing "old lefty's" current set of x-rays, you know, the ones that look like Red Green's tool box exploded inside my arm.  Out of the mouths of babes.......

"Wow, Mrs. Miller this is SO cool!  Now you look just like Edward Scissorhands!"

Got to tell you my friends, I've been told I resemble a lot of different people but never has the name "Edward Scissorhands" been used in conversation about it.  :)  Thus, in the spirit in which it was given, "Old Lefty" and I shall take that as a compliment!  No wonder that the late Art Linkletter made such a fortune coining the phrase, "Kids say the darndest things!"

Today, on day #153 of "old-lefty's confinement", I got a bit of welcome news.  Dr. Chan's office called me to see if it was "ok" to move my January 20th appointment up by 4 days.  Well, of course you just KNOW how long I had to think about my response to THAT kind of offer.  Trust me guys, the comment "Thanks but, NAH I love this cast way too much to even THINK of giving it up 4 days early, Dr. Chan." was NOT my reply! 

"You bet.  It's great!" I half-ways yelled back into the phone.  And with that, my waiting time was cut to only "11 sleeps more" before I hopefully lose the last cast I will ever need in this life.  I believe I can probably handle that.  LOL

Even with hoping for the cast to be removed on January 16th, I'm pretty much guaranteed another 4 weeks of wearing a removable splint. At the end of that 4-week period of time, I will have devoted slightly over 6 months of my life to getting better, healing up from the accident on August 4th.  Having lived 56 years already, at first glance that 6 month period is nothing, a mere "drop in the bucket." But one thing I've learned as I've grown older is that the days fly by quickly, without even so much as a "how do you do?"  I have often laughed and told my younger friends that I have to hustle and stop trading "daylight for dark".  As we grow older, as the weeks and months of our lives continue to pass us by, it's wise to stop and remember that our days here are indeed numbered.  

I'm really glad that I continued working on my "bucket list" items as I recuperated from my surgeries.  If this would have happened to me back in the days of my "foolish" youth, I might well have taken the attitude that it would just be better to wait until I was well again before tackling anything from a "bucket list", because there would ALWAYS be plenty of time, right?  I put myself at the very top of the "people who are foolish" totem pole.  

I pray to have plenty of time left on this earth~I love life and I love living it to the fullest.  But if it were nearly done for me at this point in time, I'd be able to leave knowing  that I've...

~seen the most beautiful sunrise and sunset in the world
~ridden my bike half-way across the state of Kansas
~ connected with many of my family members and Facebook friends this year
~went back to swimming lessons
~tried to do something for the "good" for a complete stranger
~ridden on the back of a motorcycle very fast and lived to tell about it

And so much more is waiting for me....and dear friends, I'm heading out to find it.  Please, I beg you~Do NOT let life pass you by.  Seize every opportunity that comes your way to live life at its best, its fullest.  As I've said before, many times...even IF you don't have a "bucket list" at the very least, find one thing you would wish to do and after that's done, then find another.  You may well be surprised to find all that is out there waiting for you!  :)  I sure was!

  My little friend, Nadonna, and I at school yesterday.  We kind of color coordinated, the way it looks!  She is "good medicine" for this "old teacher."

Heck, come to think of it, the resemblance IS rather uncanny.  Yeah, I DO look like Edward Scissorhands, thank you very much!  LOL  :)

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