Thursday, January 19, 2012

To whomever you are......

It caught my eye, first thing this late afternoon as I stepped on to my porch after a long day at school.  It was so obviously out of place and at first I thought it looked like one of the very many seed catalogues that seem to make their way to my house each and every day as of late.

The closer I studied it, the more I realized that "it" wasn't a seed catalogue at all, but rather something totally different.  The good "lighthouse" fairy had stopped by sometime during the day and left a beautiful tin sign, filled with 5 different lighthouses.  Front and center amongst them was MY lighthouse, the Portland Head lighthouse in Maine...the one I shall be seeing come this June.  Friends, what a shock to find it there waiting on me to get home from school.

I have absolutely no idea how it got note to be found with it.  But whoever left it for me knew 2 things...where I live and how much I love lighthouses.  Other than that, the mystery remains as to how it found its way to my 14th Street porch.  So to that unknown person who left it there for me, I say this...

Dear Friend,  How on earth did you know I needed to see this waiting for me as I got home from school today?  I must be really transparent at times.  "Old-lefty" was aching, my body was tired and worn out, and my mind full of a thousand things to be decided in the months ahead.  But the minute I saw the sign, things changed.  To know that out there somewhere was a friend who cared enough to make the connection between me and the lighthouse sign, warmed my heart and lifted my ever sinking spirit.  And my attitude improved a hundred fold.  You may not realize it, but you helped me in an additional way.  

 Don't know if you noticed it or not, but at the top of the sign you chose it says -"Lighthouses-Beacon in the Night" and the minute I read it, I finally realized why it is that lighthouses are so important to me.  My life has taken me to some very dark and scary places, just like the ships that mariners navigate in the sea. I have been in "the belly of the whale" and to quote my good friend, "It stinks in there." The road has gotten kind of rocky at times and suffice it to say, I've been lost more than twice.  :)  But just like the lighthouse saves the sailors from a sometimes "certain" demise, God has sent people to me here on earth to save ME from myself as well.  And whoever you are, it surely would appear that you are one of those folks. Just in case I never learn who you are (and given my run of luck trying to figure out life's mysteries, that's probably going to be the case) I wish to say "thank you" tonight for making my day a whole lot brighter.  No matter what happens to me in the months ahead, no matter how many things I give up to "travel lighter", I promise you that your lighthouse sign will ALWAYS be in the pile of belongings marked "Over my dead body!"  Have a good night's sleep dear friend and I hope that someday someone is as kind to you as you have been to me this day.  As Always, Peggy  


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