Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bucket list item #1

"Miller Bucket List" item #1~"to travel to Maine and see a lighthouse"

I cannot even recall how long it has been that I had this wish to go to Maine and see a lighthouse for the first time.  By my best recollection, it's been at LEAST 10 years now, thus putting it long before the time of even my very first bucket list.  I honestly cannot say how the idea came to be in the first place.  I prefer to liken it to what results after watching my favorite movie, "Sarah, Plain and Tall" about a gazillion times and listening to Gordon Lightfoot's "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" equally as much.  You're just bound to come up with a trip to Maine to see a lighthouse somehow!

You know, you can only hold on to the dream of a journey like that for so long and then it's time to do something about it.  So that's why last month in December, I made the commitment to myself to take care of my #1 item this summer, June 1st - 15th.  Friends, as I write this post tonight, I do so with the request that you help me keep my "feet to the fire" in order that I follow through with this.  For even as much as I look forward to making this journey, it is perhaps the one item that I will find the most difficult to accomplish.  Explanations to follow....

In the 6 months that lie ahead, I have much planning to do.  Once a month, I'll post how things are going towards the preparations.  My hope is that by doing so, I'll be able to be more focused on what needs to be done.  By the way, if any of you more "seasoned" travellers out there have any suggestions or travel tips for me, I'd be happy to hear them.  Don't be bashful 'cause I need all the help I can get.  When I jokingly say to people that I don't get out very much....well, I really DON'T.  The last time I was away from home for more than 3 nights was in 1999.  Need I say more?

This will be QUITE the driving trip for me with a journey starting here in south central Kansas in the early morning hours of June 1st and ending up 1,780 miles later in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.  On the way there, I shall lay my head on a pillow at night in the states of Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.  This is where the "difficult" part of this bucket list item comes in...I would be the first to admit that my driving experiences in major cities and long distance trips away from home go by the name "Slim to None".  I'm 56 years old but I only learned how to drive in Wichita just 3 years ago.  This past November I made a spur of the moment trip to "corn country"~Iowa and for the first time ever in my life, I drove through Kansas City-rush hour in the dark.  I survived with no trouble at all but it did take a minute upon arrival in Osceola to peel my fingers off of their "death grip" on the steering wheel.  

It's a "given" that the journey to the north east coast of Maine will not be made in a day, or even two.  Much time will be spent in travel but that's "ok" as well.  I've allowed myself 14 days to do this in and if there is a sight or two that I want to stop and see along the way, then I think I'll do it.  I'm looking forward to there being a lot of beautiful country that this "Kansas farm girl" has never even seen yet.  And since I'm only 4 years shy of the ripe old age of 60, I've gotta get a "move on." 

My friends, what else would you like to see in this great land of ours?  Where have you been that you always wanted to return to?  What's stopping you from doing it?  Only asking and reminding you how very short this life is, that's all.  Good night and good sleep to all of you my dear friends!

I wrote "it" in with a Sharpie so it's GOT to happen :)

My destination-The Portland Head Lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.  I "won't be in Kansas any more" when I get there!

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