Sunday, December 18, 2011

looking up

Today has been a better day, thank the good Lord above!  I'm rating my recovery by the number of times that "I've rested my eyes" today ;)  As of the 6 o'clock hour, I'd have to nap 5 more times today to even get close to yesterday's version of being "out like a light".  The last Percocet I took was at bedtime Saturday evening and can't say that I am pain-free, just uncomfortable from time to time.  The side-effects from taking pain killers for more than a couple of days are not the most pleasant, and rather than this be a "too much information" moment, I'll just kind of leave it at that.  But I'm guessing there are many of you reading this that know just what I'm speaking of....kind of a "Yep, been there, done that!" kind of deal.

 But friends, how grateful I am to know that the medication I might well  need is only a few steps away in the kitchen cupboard and if there were to be a question that came up regarding my care, I could call my doctor in Wichita for help, 24 hours a day.  How many people in my own town of Hutchinson, Ks. are, of necessity, going WITHOUT healthcare right now?  Or on the block that you live?  This experience has taught me many lessons, one of the greatest being this-"Stop taking all of this for granted."  

Ok guys, on to the reason for today's posting...As a teacher, I have to admit having a few "senior moments" from time to time.  And I wish I had the excuse of having brain cells "under the influence" of Percocet to fall back upon.  But this time I don't.  Over a week ago, we got on this "travelling light" subject and that "100 Thing" challenge. Remember?  As I was looking back through my lesson plan book, umm, I mean an earlier blog post, I realized I hadn't collected your homework for that following weekend. 

Oh boy, I can hear the nervous whispering now....."We had homework?  You're kidding, right?"

No, not kidding but because I know how busy you all are, you most certainly deserve a break, a "do-over" of sorts.  So here's the new assignment, kind of a mixture of the original homework with an added new ironic twist.....

"Pick one room of your home, doesn't matter which one.  Look at all the material things you have amassed there and decide the following.....What 5 things could you easily give up?  What 5 things do you consider priceless, irreplaceable?"  Remember, these are material goods only.  Remember as well, there are absolutely no right or wrong answers.  And as usual, when you get homework from me on this blog, you are guaranteed to be the ONLY one to see your answers.  In other words friends, you're a "shoe-in" for an "A+ /the top of the class".  The red-headed kid with glasses in the back row has his hand up..."When is it due?" you ask....only when you are ready...only when you are ready.

And finally, one last question....a goofy one at that, but probably pretty "normal" for someone who has taken more pain killers since August 4th than she has in her entire life...Do any of you have a "recurring" dream?  You know a dream that returns in basically the same format on a periodic basis?  Kind of a dream in which you are trying to find out about something but the answer to it always alludes you.  So close, but yet so very far away....I had mine today during my afternoon, time "to rest my eyes" break.  Since it pertains to the subject that we are talking about, maybe you will know the answer.  Ok, here sure to turn on your meters...   :)

In my dream, I'm always a little kid, more than likely that little 10-year old girl that was afraid of the water.  Some of my 6 siblings are with me, different ones from time to time.  Once in a while Daddy is there but Mom is always with me in the dream.  And we live in a big and gigantic house that has 3 stories and that's where the elusive part of the dream comes in.  We're never allowed to go to the 3rd floor...Mom always stops us before we can get there.  We kids all know that whatever is up there is really nice stuff, not scary or anything.  Mom just tells us the same thing every time...."We have enough now and we don't need any more.  And then, RATS I always wake up before I have the chance to sneak up there!

I've been having various versions of this same dream for several years now and since I haven't figured it out exactly, maybe you can.  I have my own ideas of what the 3rd floor really represents to me in life, but I'm still not 100% sure.  So, if you've ever wanted the chance to have a career as a "dream analyzer", well folks, here's your once in a lifetime opportunity!  Doubt that I will ever figure it out for sure, nor maybe do I even want or need to.

Well, time to plug in the electric blanket warmer, finish this cup of hot tea and call it good for the day.  God has surely been good to me this day~for even the smallest of things, I give thanks.  Good night!

Oh man, back when it USED to be summer-Day #2 on the Bike Across Kansas-high temp. 97 with a humidity to match.....and to think that I ever complained.

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