Friday, May 20, 2011

The "Miller Curse"

People who know me understand completely what I mean when I refer to the "Miller Curse."  3 times, prior to this year, I have signed up for a paid my entry fee for the BAK.  Each time, just one day into the ride, I've had to stop and return home.  Perhaps if I talk about "it" that will make it go away, at least long enough for me to finally get this done!

In 1987, just 3 weeks prior to our leaving on the BAK, I was riding with my two friends, Ron and Bob. Long story, very short, 50 miles into our ride, I fell victim to loose sand and an electric fence in someone's pasture.  Came away with a broken collar bone that didn't have time to fully heal in time to ride more than the first BAK day.

In 2000, amazingly enough, just 3 weeks prior to my leaving, I stepped into a pothole as I was getting onto my bike at Rice Park.  Sprained ankle that also didn't have time to fully heal.

Last, but surely not least, in 2002, I had an unfortunate meeting with the railroad trestle on the Martinez Bike Trail here in Hutch.  Not surprising, the railroad trestle didn't budge, not one bit!  I, on the other hand, took a flying leap over the top of my bike and landed belly up on the ground.  Two sprained wrists, 3 broken ribs, and bruises that were unlike any others I've ever had kept me from going on the '02 BAK.  I must say, that I had ALMOST made it that year.  This all happened just a couple of days before leaving.

I have been blessed this year, "knock on all the wood in the world", to be injury free!  Maybe as I've gotten more mature, I've managed to be a little more cautious as I  trained for the ride. As a matter of fact, (and I hope I am not zapped for this), I feel stronger now than I have ever felt before.  So, it looks like even an "old woman" like me can actually do this, IF I really want to.  God has so surely blessed me.

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