Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Making my peace with the water

My swimming teacher, Laurie,  gave me a little assignment when I left her last Friday.  She suggested that it would be a good idea for me to come back up to the YMCA this week one day and spend some time acclimating myself to being in the water.  She didn't necessarily want me to practice anything--only to get used to what the water felt like.  Because I am not a member at the "Y", I took her up on her kind offer of a one-day pass to get into the pool.

Laurie "planted" some good thoughts in my head last Friday at lesson #1.  She urged me to start getting into the water, not so much each time for the sole purpose of  learning  how to swim, but to learn that it could be a safe and fun place to be.  For most of my life, I've equated ANY  body of water with the possibility of drowning.  So, by realizing that being in water could also be a very pleasant experience, my learning to swim might come a bit easier.  Hey, it made sense to me!

I knew how beneficial doing this would be for me, but secretly I was thinking, "Man, I hate to have to go in there alone.  I won't know anyone else."  And you all know how I feel about the idea that we are all here in this place for a reason?  Well, that's where Lori Johnson enters in.

This is Lori and I on the very last day of school this year.  She is a good friend and teaching colleague.  Lori  is the same age as my oldest son, Ricky, so I guess that makes ME old enough to be her mom.  She is a great swimmer and can probably use the title "The Fish" next to her name.  

She sent me a message yesterday that invited me to join her at the "Y" this morning to spend some time in the pool.  Lori knew that I could use a little bit of "quality time" getting used to the water and was kind enough to say she'd go with me.  It took me about a second to say "yes" and we decided to meet at 8 a.m. this morning.  

Before meeting Lori at the "Y",  I knew there was one problem from last week's swimming lesson that I needed to take care of.  That problem had to do with my swimsuit.  Without going into all the particulars, let's just say that I found out that the original suit I had chosen just was not going to work for me.....and I needed to get a different one before ever going back into the water again.  So, 5 minutes after committing myself (probably a good term to use at this point in time) to joining Lori at the "Y", I was on my way to Sears to hopefully locate a more appropriate swimsuit.

To make a long story, short....I made my way through the lawn and garden department and headed to the women's to find a new suit.  And there, looking for another suit for herself, was Lori....the same person that just moments earlier had been talking to me online. I'm not sure who was more shocked at that point in time.....me, Lori, or the sales clerk who heard me yell out "What are you doing here?" Neither of us knew that the other was heading to Sears and get a swimsuit.  I figure it must be Karma and as a matter of fact, having a teacher named Laurie and a swimming mentor named Lori at the same time just seems a little weird.  She knew just what kind of swimsuit I was looking for and guided me right to them.  And oh my goodness, Karma there you were once more...all of the suits were 60% off, which either means they've been horribly overcharging us before the sale OR it was meant to be!  For whatever the reason, I give thanks!

Lori and I met at the appointed hour at our local "Y" today and friends, do you know what?  I had MORE fun this morning from 8-9 than I've had in ages!   Hey, wait a minute....I was in the water the whole time....I just said I had fun...oops, guess I let that slip.  Oh well, I DID have fun.  Laurie must have been right...I need to start realizing that the water is not my "enemy" and today it started to sink in.  

I'm a long ways from learning how to swim well enough to save my own life.  I can already tell it will probably take more than 4 short lessons.  But I'm starting to believe that the real intent and purpose of these 30 minute sessions was to show me that it's ok to get back in the water.  Once I accept that and start to feel comfortable once again, the real lessons of learning to swim can begin. I intend to stick with it and find out.  

Oh, and one last thing.....thank you Lori and Laurie-  :)  I'm feeling pretty blessed!  

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